HI any one suggest a basic surface control for Cubase 6 /7 , want to use my Bitstream X3 for advanced controls only , I had a US 428 , the lay out was perfect for me , had 2 sell it as no win 7 drivers ,well controlling the most basic transport , Eq mute etc features , most important was the toggle dial , i really miss that, any suggestions appreciated thanks sm
I just picked up a Novation 25SL mkII
While I’ve only had 24 hrs to dig in, so far it’s nice…This along w/my CMC units, I can pretty much control anything from my desktop…
That said, If you don’t want/need the keys, they also have a keyless version called the Zero…
I ll check it out thanks , the lay out of the Us 428 was really gr8 , specially also the 4 line knobs for the Eqs control n of course the toggle dial n locate … well thanks sam
I suggest you check out the Nektar Panorama we discuss here:
The P1 is just control surface, P4 and P6 add midi keyboard.
Or perhaps you would prefer Mackie Control Pro?
thanks guys , ill check it out , think Makie pro would be very expensive??
I also Have this CME Bitstream 3 X , its Gr8 but a Gr8 bad learning curve , i need a simple lay out that , auto controls the basic DAW controls ,
will the Novation zero cross fader @ the bottom , made to act as the toggle dial , meaning control the transport cursor , instantly to any place in the song ?
thanks sm
The version I have w/the keys doesn’t have the xfader. That is only on the ZERO so I’m not 100% but I will say this, every fader and Control other that the Speed dial can be edited to almost any function by simply hitting the learn button…
I’m pretty sure you can set the xfader to act like a scrub…
Again, not 100% sure as I don’t have that
So can you make a custom design of the midi learn for all your controls and save that , and it will work automatically work with every open project ?
I have the cross fader on the Bitstream X 3 , n i only get 7 to 8 midi learn options in my Cubase 6 , where will i get the scrub feature , n the rest all ?? thanks 4 your efforts .

So can you make a custom design of the midi learn for all your controls and save that , and it will work automatically work with every open project ?
I have the cross fader on the Bitstream X 3 , n i only get 7 to 8 midi learn options in my Cubase 6 , where will i get the scrub feature , n the rest all ?? thanks 4 your efforts .

So can you make a custom design of the midi learn for all your controls and save that , and it will work automatically work with every open project ?
I have the cross fader on the Bitstream X 3 , n i only get 7 to 8 midi learn options in my Cubase 6 , where will i get the scrub feature , n the rest all ?? thanks 4 your efforts .
Yes, you can create custom Templates and save them. Then you can also save them as the “Default” template for that VST/Synth/Program as the Automap software allows you to see & edit the control of the VST’s.
afa the scrub feature, I have Cubase 7 and have never tried to program a scub. I’m pretty sure that there is a way even if it can’t learn it or program a work around
e.g. Setting up marker points and setting the xfader accordingly…
Also, I haven’t attempted to program anything for Cubase (yet) since I just got this but so far the transport controls and everything else work right out box…
There are a few videos and Info on their site…
I’ll also open up C7 and see if I can get the scrub programmed to the Pitch/Mod for ya
Check out Automap HERE
Check out the ZeroHERE
Thanks Really Appreciate it sam
K, The transport controls can also be toggled so
I just programmed the transport controls << | >> buttons as Next and Previous markers… It was actually simple as all I did was program them as KB Shortcuts (Shift+N & Shift+B)
I’ll try the Scrub/Shuttle mode also
Hey thanks man … may b i will get one…

I just picked up a Novation 25SL mkII
While I’ve only had 24 hrs to dig in, so far it’s nice…This along w/my CMC units, I can pretty much control anything from my desktop…
That said, If you don’t want/need the keys, they also have a keyless version called the Zero…
Are you able to control the built in channel strip processors?
Like saturation, tube compressor, etc?
Or any of Cubase’s native plugs like the plugin tube compressor version?
With 64bit Cubase 7.04 I am unable to map/control any of these with AutoMap/Nocturn. Only levels, nutes, etc on the mixer.
3rd party plugs work fine.
you need to enable the Cubase vst3 plugin set in the automap server to control the stock plugin’s
you need to enable the Cubase vst3 plugin set in the automap server to control the stock plugin’s
Does not work for myself or anilnc though he’s using 6.5.4 64bit.(another thread you were on).
It enables the 32 bit (x86) version of “cubase plug in set” from 6.5.4
But even though I point it to the VST3 folder in the 64bit version of 7.04 it sees nothing in that folder, so I have nothing to enable. I’ve tried everything. Even uninstalling Cubase 7 32bit (becuase you said you only had 64 bit installed). Moving the Steinberg folder from the x86 so it could not find it . . . no joy.
Put in a ticket with Novation several days ago but they have not responded.
aahh yes I seem to remember , how odd if everything is 64 bit then there shouldn’t be a problem all the channel strip modules are in the user section with the eq’s which are there and working .
And you say you are running every thing at 64 bit ?
No. I still have 6.5.4 in 32bit (and 64).
Don’t use it, though. Maybe I’ll try removing it, also.
im no computer expert but it does seem like your registry is getting confused in some way and not allowing automap to see the 64 bit version in stead of 32 bit , to be honest this is the sort of reason why when I done this build I kept every thing to the minimum and all 64 bit so there was no conflicts .Don’t get me wrong automaps not perfect with c7 but it works very well and Is very usable but like with all software it has it’s quirks ,but I still don’t understand why you can’t see anything 64 bit , are you on the latest 4.7. beta ?
Yes. 4.7b3.
anilnc said Novation told him to reinstall winows . . .
Niether of us have enough of a break to risk that.
And . . . it seems a bit odd to have to do that with everything else purring,
My system is very clean, also. I have other computers for general use. And this W7 install is not even a year old.
I wish they could simply suggest some registry editing or something.
They have not even answered my support request.
To not soumd too negative though - except for my inability to control anything Cubase (except levels - which I don’t need as I have 24 channels of MCU Pro), AutoMap is very cool for controlling 3rd party plugs. And the ability to setup your own control layout is great.