I’m aware that my comments may be open to debate, but I have to make them. The problem of Asknet (declared insolvent) as supplier of Steinberg’s transactional activities, reminds me of the highly irritating problems we experienced with the eLicencer (of sad memory). We’re not talking about the same technical problem, but a management problem. I’ve worked for many large companies. For any company, the strength of suppliers is essential and must be constantly checked and proven, especially when the services involved compromise the use of key products or sales themselves, the two lifebloods of entrepreneurial survival. A mistake on this point may be forgivable. Chance, let’s say, or bad luck. A second mistake leads to another diagnosis: the incompetence of a department or a manager, management’s lack of foresight, the weakness of its internal audits and verifications, its lack of judgment. Steinberg has had to apologize to its customers for the second time in a few years. Let’s hope the third one doesn’t come.
Proposal: I propose that Steinberg, which is unable to sell its updates for Cubase and Nuendo (if the latter is ready), offer versions 13 on a 60-day trial basis. This will give us time to find a reliable supplier, but also time to check for possible bugs before the real sale. It will also prevent customer frustration.