I’m very excited about the new Midi Remote for the ease of creating mappings. For simple and quick mappings it works great!
So I’m hoping that it will quickly gain at least a couple of additional features to become useful for more ambitious setups:.
All of these have been mentioned previously, so I just want to add my voice to the chorus of requests:
Remote Control for VST Quick Control Pages
As several forum posters, including @skijumptoes has requested (I’ve used one of my few forum votes in support as well), the main thing I’m missing in the Quick Controls is to remotely change the pages.
This is a really, really big deal to create a more useful hardware surface for modern instrument plugins and more elaborate fx plugins (for example guitar pedalboard).
While I’ve been able to effectively get to 16 Quick Controls via utilizing the Track Quick Controls in addition to the VST Quick Controls, that doesn’t solve the real issue.
Controlling Audio Insert chain
As a few others have already mentioned, the second biggest thing I’m missing in the new Midi Remote is the ability to control the Insert chain via the Selected Track hierarchy.
For 8 insert parameters this can be worked around via using the Track VST Controls, but anything beyond 8 doesn’t seem possible.
So for that use case, I still need the Generic Remote.
Mapping a PlayStop button
EDIT / Correction: This does work - I just needed a hint from @Jochen_Trappe in another thread:
Here’s how it worked for me: