It would be nice if steinberg give the option to display Musical score on the project window
Ideal with the midi controllers underneath as in place editor
A dream for educated Musicians the Project window as an Open Score with the rest
of the other kinds of tracks alongside and a first among DAWs
I mean how can you tell a staccato note in all these Horizontal line’s mess ,it gets even worse with coloring and all these color variations
For me it means very little while with the score it is like picture on audio seeing and hearing
The piano roll is such an unmusical approach…
The Piano Roll is very much musical. You can show the In-Place Editor to see the MIDI data in the Project window.
Compared to a Musical Score?..
The “Piano Roll” view is much more exact about the start, end and length. The scoring is a level of abstraction, where the display is quantised to be able to read it in real time.
I’m afraid that is not the case all classical music and serious music is written on scores there is a reason for that
is like saying written words are a level of abstraction if you like the piano roll it is always there no need to wish for it…
Yes, and those scores are then interpreted by human players. And each different human will play it a bit differently. Not only that but each individual performance by the same person will also differ - no 2 are exactly the same ever. So which one of these correctly played but different performances best represents the score? The answer to that is they all do. And that’s why we have a jillion different recordings of Mozart String Quartets.
A score is kind of like a recipe for a cake - it tells you how to make a cake, but it isn’t a cake & you can’t eat it. A score describes music, but it isn’t sound - you consume it with your eyes and not ears. We can’t physically hear a score, although some folks have skills which allow them to imagine what it sounds like while reading it.
If you don’t like using the Key Editor then don’t use it. There are plenty of Cubase users who only play their MIDI Parts live or use the Score Editor and never touch the other editors.
But don’t assume that because you don’t have the knowledge or skill to use the Key Editor in a musical manner that the tool is intrinsically unmusical. You can hand me a clarinet and I can guarantee nothing musical will result from that. But that doesn’t mean clarinets are unmusical.
The Key Editor is more like working directly on the cake and not the cake recipe. It lets you lower the salt in one specific cake and bring the chocolate a bit forward. It lets you move the pick-up into the chorus just a smidgen earlier. All of this can be quite musical if you know what you’re doing.
If you are just starting to use the Key Editor it probably will feel unmusical because the skills needed to use it in a musical manner are different from, for example, the skills needed to play a clarinet - both of which are different than the skills needed to arrange music.
Rather than starting off judgmental maybe give curiosity a try
And here’s me thinking they were written on the piano!
with a coffee .
And perhaps some Sachertorte
Wow. Scores as a symbol of sophistication, superiority of classical “serious” notation. I thought we left all this behind us back in the 1970s…
So much that steinberg has renewed the Cubase notation
in my opinion the best Cubase 14 feature , if you can’t read that doesn’t mean that reading is useless, Musical notation is the equivalent to what the written words are for human Speach and are you sure that it was in the 1970s ?..
Uh, oh.
Yes indeed how can you read a Music score if you are not educated ?
and seriously serious.
I agree, the option to display Musical score in the project window will be very useful for the classically trained composers as myself.
In the controversial aspect of the conversation, well, the score displays more information in less space and that information is relevant for the players to play the music. In the piano roll, what you are displaying is how the music is actually played, but it has many limitations and it uses a lot of space. So, if you are trying to write that requires a profound thinking, the score is much better (as you can see more information in less space, and the information is relevant for the COMPOSITION). Piano roll is better for displaying the actual playback of the music, which is especially useful for fine-tuning the performance of the composition. So each option has its perks.
Of course, it is false that “every composer uses piano for writing music” as music has been written since much before of the invention of any keyboard instrument.
I think having the option to display score in the project window (instead of “nothing” like now) won’t harm anyone and it will be a great add on for others like me. It will be a wish come true, actually.
→ Score is better for writing music, especially as it becomes more and more complicated.
→ Piano-roll is better for displaying and editing the performance of the music.
In my case, I prefer score to piano-roll. But I think both are complementary and could work very well together.
Your “feature request” would fare much better if you simply asked for in-line score editor, without going for a rant about - hypothetical - un-musicalness of piano roll and lack of education of the people using it…
But whatever. Good luck
Agree and if you want more info on the notes there is always the event display
but to many trained musicians it is better if you speak their language …
Oh dear… @antic604 is spot on. You are sabotaging your own feature request. Be it a lack of understanding or ignorance - it is not smart and might come across as arrogance.
Your feature request is legit, no question. But it seems to me very far stretched to assume you know how other musicians read/understand musical context. As a classically trained musician myself I know my way around scores pretty well. And yet, I would still prefer the key editor in most cases. Your request surely offers a helpful addition/alternative but please leave it there.
FYI - the debate about the superiority of classically notated music/classical music is a thing of the past. If you are interested start with Adorno or Bourdieu and take it from there to follow the discourse up to the 90s. However, this is so off topic that I am going to stop it here.
You can set the Lower zone to show the Score Editor
You can also add a Key Command to show the Score Editor normally or in the Lower Zone:
I know about this, what I’m talking is Score on the project window