I’ve spent the last few weeks inputting two Ligeti piano etudes into Dorico. I’m patiently waiting for three-staff piano support before doing some more. Thanks to Claude, Rob and Fratveno for their help in fixing some of the issues I couldn’t handle. In the meantime, I’ve run into a few small problems/requests.
Time Signatures
- Ligeti places his time sig in the middle between the piano staves. I do not believe this is possible in Dorico.
- In Etude 5, the time sig is 3/4 (2/dotted quarter). Is it possible to mix the two styles of denominators in one time sig, or is it planned?
- Some articulations interact very oddly with slurs, and end up very high off the stem. I was able to override it by moving the articulation to the notehead side, and then dragging it in Engrave, but it seems a little buggy.
- I got into a habit of forcing all articulations in one voice to the stem side, before entering the second voice, because I could do that by selecting the entire bar. However, that forced placement didn’t ‘stick’. Once I entered the second voice, the articulations all flipped back to their default positions. I believe that once forced, articulation placement should stay unless overridden.
- Is there a way to parenthesize articulations?
- Currently the properties panel works on a ‘highest common denominator’ philosophy. If I select 8 notes, 7 of which have an articulation and one doesn’t, the articulation option doesn’t appear. Same if I select notes and a slur. It slows things down considerably, and it’d be nice if it were a little more forgiving and show all relevant properties for the selection.
- The (very verbose) dynamic marking in Etude 5 includes the word ‘molto’ somewhere. Dorico grabs that word and moves it to before the ‘p’ symbol, removing it from the text string. It’d be nice if it were able to distinguish ‘p molto’ from ‘p dolce, sempre legato, molto espresivo’ and not mess with the latter.
- I’m sure more flexible text editing is in the pipeline. Ligeti has local changes in tempo that are in a different style (lower-case, italic, non-bold) than the main tempo indication. I was able to fake them with shift-X text, but they still seem different than the text attached to rall. and allag. lines. I made sure to pick the same font and same size, yet something seems off.
- Is there (or will there be) an option to have cresc. and dim. lines that cross systems to reiterate cresc. in parenthesis at the start of each system, much like octave lines?
- I followed the original layout, mostly because I’d have gotten completely lost in Etude 1. However, adding octave or pedal lines broke the layout and I had to redo it every time I added them.
Special Requests
- An option for barlines that extend half-way between the staves for poly-metric music would be nice.
- It’d also be nice to be able to beam on the fly in open meter, maybe similar to the way slurs are created. One would enter an eighth-note, hit the key for ‘start beam’ and then all subsequent notes would be beamed until I hit the key for ‘end beam’.
ligeti.dorico.zip (510 KB)