Accents in parentheses?

Searching the forum, the last time I see a post about articulations in parentheses is this thread on Ligeti etudes -

I suspect it’s still not possible, but I wanted to check. Thanks!

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Correct, there is not native support for parentheses around accents currently. The workaround is the same: text tool, turn off collision avoidance, manually reposition.

Thanks Dan! I’m guessing you mean articulations, not accidentals, since parenthesized accidentals are in the properties panel.

Pthbbbb. Yes, sorry. Saturday morning and no brain yet. Fixed.

You could create a Playing Technique with the brackets and accent.

You can also modify an existing articulation - such as stressed or unstressed - using the musical symbols editor. That way, it tends to behave like an articulation. I often do that for natural harmonics since those available in Playing Techniques don’t interact properly wiht 8va lines and slurs.

The Man doesn’t want us to, but old tricks still work!

Thanks, these are all great ideas! I made a Playing Technique with different appearances for above and below - so far that is working well. But I may try Claude’s idea too.

Daniel has indicated that he expects Dorico to support parentheses natively at some point. I’d like to think this support will include:

  • Individual notes
  • individual articulations and dynamics
  • chords (tall parentheses that envelope the entire chord)
  • passages (parentheses to the left and right of an entire phrase)
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I’d also like the option for accidentals to appear in brackets, not just parentheses.

Yes. Square brackets around any item (including whole phrases) would be a dream come true for those who edit and revise scores.

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I would love to have an accent in brackets too. (<)

Can we do this in Dorico 4?

Not sure. But one thing we can do now is copy articulations !

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Just updating this thread: as of D4, we can put brackets around notes, dynamics, chords and figured bass. You can use the Line tool to put square brackets round passages.

Still no native parentheses for articulations, fermatas etc, trills, and playing techniques; though of course you can create your own PTs, or ‘overwrite’ one of the lesser used fermatas, etc in Music Symbols Editor.


Is there any update? I’ve been looking and haven’t found that this has been added yet. The workarounds are clunky at best. When you can parenthesize an accidental with a single mouse click, having to do backflips to give articulations (trills, fermatas, etc) the same treatment is frustrating. This is a basic feature needed for making editions, which is 99.9% of what I do.

Once you’ve created Playing Techniques with combined brackets and glyphs, then it should not require any acrobatics to use them in new documents.

Thanks for your reply. I assume that means there is no update? With respect, having to create a custom item for every possible articulation or other feature that might need to be in a bracket/parenthesis is objectively a clumsy solution.
Creating that custom item is also made annoying by the fact that when the glyph is selected on the edit musical symbols screen, the graph lines are obscured making it very difficult to get things lined up symmetrically which is a problem when bracketing. This is great as an interim work around, but it looks like people have been asking for this for years and I’ll reiterate that it’s a basic need in creating responsible editions. I’m by no means a power user who works in this software all day every day so maybe there’s something I’m missing. It’s a complex software that does a lot of things really well. I’d be delighted to learn that I’m making it harder than it needs to be.

I cant help saying that I really want/need the ability to out accents in parentheses in the same simple way you can put dynamics in parens.


Yes, we know this is a real need, and we do of course plan to implement it, but it’s not yet risen to the top of the priority list.

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