Here is my latest tone poem, created entirely with Dorico and NotePerformer. It is under 5 minutes and has these short sections:
I. The Trainyard
II. The Silos
III. The Offices of the Dead
IV. I Hear Something
V. It Sees Me
VI. The End
VII. The Silos Remain
PLEASE NOTE: There is a very loud chord that happens suddenly around 2:45. Take care if you’re driving or wearing headphones.
@Christian_R , I appreciate the kind words! A conductor of the symphony here is trying to schedule one of my other pieces. I plan to send him this one and hope he likes it!
Really enjoyed this! Did you compose each section as a separate flow and then combine them for the playback file? I noticed that it was titled “The Silos” but it would be nice if each titled section could have a time stamp to correspond to the music.
Beautiful! And powerful. Thanks for posting. I am extremely impressed. On my end I composed a lot with Dorico/NP. I just converted my first Symphony to NP/BBCSO core - I’ll be curious to hear what you think of my work with the NP playback engine. It was not easy going from NP instruments to the BBCSO instruments. I had to adjust all the dynamics - at the end it was worth it. You can find the music “Phoenicia” on my home page, Thanks:
@PierreBohemond , Wow! Your music is beautiful and perfectly arranged! Congratulations! I know how much work and thought went into a work of that magnitude. Few people could do it.
The BBC Orchestra sounds great, by the way. I may purchase that.
@PierreBohemond , Hi. Is there a thread ouit here somewhere about how to purchase and install BBCSCO and set it up with Dorico Expression Maps? I would like to buy it but don’t want to spend money unless I can make it work.