I’d like to check here if there’s maybe something I’m doing wrong. I’ve been a Nuendo user sporadically, currently own v11 which I haven’t used for over a year maybe two years and I just downloaded v13 trial to get on board again. I immediately noticed a problem with VCAs that maybe you can tell me if it’s something I’m doing wrong or it’s a bug.
Steps to reproduce:
- On an empty session please add a new audio track and a VCA track
- Assign the audio track to the VCA track
- Lower the volume of the audio track to any given value by typing in the value field, let’s say -5dBs
- Lower the VCA track volume to -5dBs by typing in the value field
At this point the audio track should be at -10dBs as expected
- Now in the audio track type in -15dBs to lower its volume by -5dBs more
Now the audio track is at -20dBs which is not correct because it should be at -15dBs as we typed in -15dBs. At this point you can type in any value in the volume field of the audio track and the result won’t be correct. If you move the audio track out of the VCA assignment it behaves correctly again.
This is a screen capture where you can see it in action:
Please right-click on the GIF so you can open it in a new tab and it will be bigger.