Trust level for posting video in forum

What trust level do I have to be at to be able to post video in this forum?

I just reached trust level 2, but seems that didn’t allow me to post video/screen recording.


All levels except for New User.

K, thanks.

I have been on the previous forum for over 12 years. Does that not count for me here?
I need to post a screen recording, but apparently Im a ‘new’ user…smh

Here are the official rules for getting bumped up a level. The default Discourse setting is that you can post a video link at Trust Level 1, but that can be changed by Steinberg and I’m not exactly sure if they changed it, but I have seen plenty of links to videos here so I don’t think they have :

Get to trust level 1 by…
*** Entering at least 5 topics**
*** Reading at least 30 posts**
*** Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts**

By reading they just mean slowly scrolling by a post. This is set by the software (not Steinberg) to keep spammers out. It works pretty well.

@UncleSasha Please review your profile.

You have the status “Member,” and you have participated in the Steinberg forums with this identity since 2013.


Trust Level 2 – Member

Users at trust level 2 can…

  • Use all core Discourse functions; all new user restrictions are removed
  • Send PMs
  • Upload images and attachments
  • Edit wiki posts
  • Flag posts
  • Mute other users
  • Use the “Invite others to this topic” button for one-click onboarding of new users to participate in topics
  • Invite outside users to PMs making a group PM
  • Daily like, edit, and flag limits increased by 1.5×
  • Ignore other users
  • Edit their own posts for up to 30 days after posting