I used to make music with cubase 20+ years ago and found an old hard drive with more than 200 .all files. I would like to convert them and use cubase 14 to work on them again.
But this doesn’t work. I can’t register this number on my USB-eLicenser. Even the length of the number doesn’t match with the mask in the eLicenser Tool.
Does someone see where I am taking the wrong turn here? I really would like to convert these old files before the eLicenser support will close down so any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
To me it looks like this is not an Activation Code, which you insert in the eLicenser. This is a Serial Number/Installation code. I would expect to use this within the MySteinberg account to get the Activation Code.
But my Cubase 14 shows up online in my Steinberg licensing-based products.
I don’t really get how this works. I can use Cubase 14 without any problems so the license is valid, even if it’s not in any of my eLicensers. I just thought that I could use the openly available old versions of cubase with the serial number provided on the steinberg webpage that I linked in my OP.
Did you buy Cubase 14 as a new version, or did you update, please? It looks, like you bought it as a new version (or update from Cubase 12, not lower). Therefore, you don’t have any eLicenser version. So you have to use the one from Steinberg server.
I only see “Redeem Download Access Code”. Doesn’t work there. And if I use “Register eLicenser/software” as seen in the first screenshot of this reply I get the same loop. What is the “self-service” option? I can’t see it in MySteinberg.
Yes, I bought 14 as an upgrade from 13 and 13 as a new version. I had only Cubasis back in the 90s and that’s how I made all my old songs that I want to convert now.
I see that I need to use the one from Steinberg Server, but I still don’t get how to register the serial number. I did install Cubase SE 3.0.3. from the Steinberg Server and when I run it, the program gets stuck on loading:
This explains, why you don’t see *Cubase Pro 11 (Upgdated to Cubase with
The code is definitely not an Activation Code. An Activation Code always starts with 0240 and has the fixed length. I know, you showed us your try to use the code in your MySteinberg account, which didn’t work.
Unfortunately I don’t know the solution. I would get in contact with the official support in this case.
You can only run Cubase SX3 if you already have a Cubase Pro 11 or earlier license on a USB-eLicenser, and you can no longer buy such an old license from Steinberg.