Unsolved old issue with ARA2 and Melodyne in NU12: Popping fades

ARA2 Melodyne and comping with lanes = crossfade problem

Is this still not working, 4 years later?!? This (red) bounce is what I hear when editing a track already melodyned (but not cut properly) by the artist:

Pleeeeeeaaaaase … :stuck_out_tongue: … do I really have to bounce/render-in-place the melodyned track first before I can edit it? Doesn’t that defeat the whole idea of having Melodyne working “live”, directly in the project?

See my reply to the other thread.

*"The truth is that this function only works in a fairly simple setting. As soon as the session gets complicated, or the extension is called up on a lot of clips, it gets messy and the links get lost. *

I’m now using Spectralayers PRO as an extension. I’ll see if it’s the same thing. Maybe it’s a melodyne problem, not a Steinberg one.

But it seems to me that the two should talk to each other. I don’t understand why this kind of problem isn’t corrected."