Upgrade to Cubase Elements 14 from Cubase LE 6


Would I be able to perform upgrade from Cubase LE 6 to Elements 14?
Is there any discounted price for existing user?

Also, will the end of the eLicenser Service impact the upgrade process?


Have a look at the Cubase store. (Cubase: Music Production Software - DAW | Steinberg, “Buy Cubase”). There is an option for updating from LE 6 to 11 for 49€.
And yes, the end of the eLicenser service will impact the upgrade process.

That seems to be an update from Elements 6-11. No upgrade from LE 6 is available from what I see.

You should be able to update your LE 6 to a current Steinberg Licensing version for free if you contact support. You could also try posting in this thread where many have been helped by @Matthias_Quellmann …

How/When shall I receive the Cubase LE 12 upgrade from LE 11 e-licencer - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

After updating your LE, you can then upgrade to Elements.

Keep in mind that Steinberg employees are most likely on holiday break at this time.

Dang, you’re right of course, confused the two as always, but the way you proposed it should work.

Thanks both for the info’s - much appreciated & happy new year!