Hey folks, I’m on Cubase Pro 10.5 on an older Mac. I understand the eLCC system will stop working next year but I just want to make sure I understand a few details before moving forward:
- 10.5 need to be upgraded NOW before eLCC goes away, as I will lose all upgrade paths in the future?
- I can keep working on 10.5 on my system for now using eLCC
- If I upgrade to SL will 10.5 keep working on eLCC, and Padshop and Retrolog?
- If I ONLY upgrade Padshop and Retrolog to SL now, will they keep working with CP10.5 on eLCC?
-If I buy a new back up USB dongle can I still register and use that eLCC?
-What about third party VSTs like Vengeance PhiltaXL, will that stop working?
Yes for everything. But in the last point:
You can transfer licenses between keys under Elicenser right now, but only before server shutdown. After that, all license in the old system will keep working, but without transfers or new activation.
Thanks. Yes on the last point. I would need to get a new dongle NOW while I can still transfer those licenses. However, if that dongle fails in the future I can no longer move them to a new working back up dongle. So, really, whats the point of maintaining the USB at this point. Its dead. Time to leave it in the past.
An old key can keep working for several years. I have one doing great since 2011. Maybe in the future Steinberg will create some procedure to upgrade from a broken key, even after server shutdown. But there is no announcement about that right now.
If you decide to not upgrade, it is important to at least register the key in your account as a plan for the future (if they allow upgrade for broken keys in the next years).
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About third party licenses: each vendor need to decide what do do. VSL for example moved everything to ilok.
Their licenses will keep working too (no difference from Steinberg).
I also have a license from Vengeance, and until now they didn’t inform clients about what is going to happen to them.
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Excellent feedback Maku thanks much