For first time none of theese two below, **UPD: but for second opening this two was working correctly:
RTZ is not working me (tested with video content only)
↔ playing not worked me, regardless of start-end sliders, but this days I won’t need it
Despite of RTZ, last played frame is fixed until replay is reaching that position again.
When using module as a single-song-module, content remains overlapped on next song video content (module content not wiped out with song navigation)
Despite of removing the song-module, all “previous last frames” are kept on the VideoOutput within the program-start-session
Anyways, this module will be very very handy to lots of users, I’m pretty sure Also like it very much that when player is reaching videofile end, last frame remains projected! GOOD, VERY GOOD, LIKE IT
Hey fkalmus - did you work out how to trigger the global media module? I cant seem to add a row to the global module menu to tell it what midi channel should start playing the video. I guess you managed to find out how to do it?
Thanks mate, got it working (ish). Cant work out how to get rid of it though. So I want it to stop and go blank when a song video plays (at the moment they superimpose on each other lol).
Exactly. So a new feature “When Transport starts, stop and blck out” is what you need. Then “When Transport Stops, continue play”,or “RTZ and Start” etc.
Yeah, I mean something like that would be good. At the moment I can trigger the media player video (awesome) but when I stop it, the frame still shows up. So if I play another video from either a video track on the song, or another media module, they just overlay. Is there a workaround to get the media player module off the screen? Just make it blank with a button?
No I don’t start with black! I guess that’s the workaround have a single frame of black and then set the cycle markers so that it can cycle without glitching? Ill have a play with that. Cheers for your help!
Hmm Im a little bit concerned that the programme has crashed three times in a row while using the midi controls. Im using VM out to toggle off ‘Cycle’, then ‘Marker 2’ (to begin fadeout) then RTZ and play button to return to black screen and stop playback, all while fading in a video track on the song. I cant yet work out what exactly causes the crash, but its suddenly very unstable!
Yeah I was looking for them but they haven’t been created in my CrashDump folder!! I’ve had to use task manager to get out as it just hangs (not sure if that would make a difference) but it is every time I use internal virtual midi to control a module while bringing in a track video.