Warp marker with elastique pitch pop/crackle noises with example

When setting warp markers using elastique pitch, I often get clicks, and pops, sounds like digital distortion. Switching to standard usually solves. Sometimes all the elastique algorithms do this, sometimes only the time algorithm.

I made a sample project with a guitar DI from another project to show how it happens. As soon as I click on anywhere in the audio to make a marker, it will add random digital distortion. It appears that the distortion is in the same spot every time.

On cubase 12 pro, m2 Mac book pro, Fireface UCXII

Edit when rendering in place the click is not audible:

Adjusting the fade makes the pop goes away. Note the pop is a few seconds after the fade:

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I’m also having this problem in Cubase 13.0.21

I’m also having this problem in Cubase 13.0.40

Its still happening

Yeah and the free warp also worked so bad after the bounce it… When I listening it in the project all sounds OK, but in the final wav I got the cracks…
When I turned off the free warp in the final wav and no clicks…
So, Steinberg, it’s a really problem on your side…

Yup, Elastique Pro is pro-blematic.
I’ve been having better results with standard for Free warp. I’m thinking Elastique may have been intended for warping an entire arrangement (?). Not so much for free warp (?)… guessing. I feel like I need to do a deep dive into the background of these algorithms.

PS: I also turned off “enable automatic hitpoint detection” to see if that might be a contributing factor. Haven’t done any controlled testing yet.