Wavelab pro 11 record window

Hi, new to the forum so hopefully I’m posting this in the right spot.

I recently upgraded to WL11 and am having trouble finding the record window pop up in the montage. When I use my shortcut that would normally pull up the window it starts recording immediately, same happens if I press the record button in the transport.

any idea how to get this back?
Specifically I need to ‘record whats played back’ instead of recording an input signal.

This could answer your question:

Thanks for the response PG

I should have clarified that I’m using the montage. I may be mistaking but I think that thread relates to the editor.

My issue is that I can’t pull up the record window dialog. It just automatically starts recording. I’m pretty sure this window hasn’t been removed from WL because I see it on other people’s posts (such as attached)

Then if you read carefully the thread I have indicated to you, you will find the answer by the end.