Welcome thread for Finale users

It should import with no overrides. Show all signposts and delete them. Post a screenshot here and I’ll advise.

Probably best to start a new thread for that.


Just switched from Finale 27 to Dorico Pro 5 and failed to import a very simple MusicXML file.

Here’s the original version made in Finale 27
Finale Score

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I will start a new thread.

I Dorico, I had 3 licenses for the Finale software as I have three computers (2 Macs and 1 Windows). It seems that now I have to purchase 3 copies of the software to use it on different computers? I have a home computer and 2 laptops for various usages. I don’t want to be forced to purchase three copies, just because Finale went out of business. Please also allow multiple authentications like Finale did. Thanks!

Hi @SoenkeS , and welcome to the Forum, and to Dorico!

I don’t know what caused this nested tuples in the conversion, but is very easy in Dorico to correct this:

  • activate insert mode (voice scope):

  • select with command (control) +click the nested “3”, press delete

  • select the note and the rest that was in the first two nested triplets, press 4 to transform them to sixteenth note/rest

  • make the same for the next note/rest (originally the nested triplets)

  • remember to deactivate insert mode !

Here a short video of the process (takes only 15 seconds or less):
CleanShot 2024-08-27 at 23.37.27


Lorraine, welcome to the forum and to your new software.
If you look a bit further up in this thread, you will find good news regarding the amount of computers you can use Dorico:

Thanks for the workaround which looks compelling. However, the root of problem should be fixed. It’s not feasible to make many corrections in larger scores. Sadly, I can’t upload that simple music XML file to this forum, but regardless, it’s easy to create it from Finale 27

What is the root of the problem? How Finale encodes MusicXML or how Dorico interprets it?


Hi @SoenkeS
I would be curious to see that xml:
in short time, if you are active on the Forum you will be able to post attachments. See here for more information:

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Finale does import the MusicXML just fine. Dorico does not

That is a different situation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 4.0 Partwise//EN" "http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd">
<score-partwise version="4.0">
      <software>Finale v27.4 for Mac</software>
      <supports attribute="new-system" element="print" type="yes" value="yes"/>
      <supports attribute="new-page" element="print" type="yes" value="yes"/>
      <supports element="accidental" type="yes"/>
      <supports element="beam" type="yes"/>
      <supports element="stem" type="yes"/>
      <page-margins type="both">
      <line-width type="stem">0.9115</line-width>
      <line-width type="beam">5</line-width>
      <line-width type="staff">0.9115</line-width>
      <line-width type="light barline">1.0026</line-width>
      <line-width type="heavy barline">5</line-width>
      <line-width type="leger">1.1003</line-width>
      <line-width type="ending">1.3021</line-width>
      <line-width type="wedge">1.0026</line-width>
      <line-width type="enclosure">1.3021</line-width>
      <line-width type="tuplet bracket">1.0026</line-width>
      <note-size type="grace">60</note-size>
      <note-size type="cue">60</note-size>
      <distance type="hyphen">120</distance>
      <distance type="beam">7.5</distance>
    <music-font font-family="Finale Maestro,engraved" font-size="20.5"/>
    <word-font font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="10.25"/>
  <credit page="1">
    <credit-type>part name</credit-type>
    <credit-words default-x="70" default-y="1453" font-size="12" valign="top">Score</credit-words>
    <score-part id="P1">
      <part-name print-object="no">MusicXML Part</part-name>
      <score-instrument id="P1-I1">
        <instrument-name>ARIA Player</instrument-name>
      <midi-instrument id="P1-I1">
  <part id="P1">
    <measure number="1" width="983">
        <measure-numbering multiple-rest-always="no" multiple-rest-range="no" system="only-top">system</measure-numbering>
      <sound tempo="120">
      <note default-x="83">
        <stem default-y="10">up</stem>
        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
          <tuplet number="1" placement="above" type="start"/>
      <note default-x="221">
        <stem default-y="12.5">up</stem>
        <beam number="1">continue</beam>
        <beam number="2">backward hook</beam>
      <note default-x="306">
      <note default-x="390">
        <stem default-y="15">up</stem>
        <beam number="1">end</beam>
          <tuplet number="1" type="stop"/>
      <note default-x="528">
        <stem default-y="-50">down</stem>
        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
          <tuplet number="1" placement="below" type="start"/>
      <note default-x="666">
        <stem default-y="-47.5">down</stem>
        <beam number="1">continue</beam>
        <beam number="2">backward hook</beam>
      <note default-x="751">
      <note default-x="835">
        <stem default-y="-45">down</stem>
        <beam number="1">end</beam>
          <tuplet number="1" type="stop"/>
      <barline location="right">

mhhh…could you upload the xml file itself? (maybe zipped)

Here’s the correct file…
triplet.musicxml.zip (2.1 KB)

MakeMusic’s Sunset FAQ

I’m probably wrong, but I ‘think’ Dorico might be overthinking the swing elements…


If you import into Musescore, then export again, it produces a file that Dorico interprets correctly.

(Edit: Any thoughts @dspreadbury ?)

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Thank you for the xml. It seems that (I tried with different Dorico xml import preferences activated/deactivated) the nested triplets are somehow present in the xml exported from Finale. Maybe some xml expert can say more.
(my suggested correction steps above are the only thing I can offer at the moment, sorry)


Interesting observation…

Maybe someone from Dorico Dev-team may take a look why the import gets probably misinterpreted?