What is going on with Cubase 7?

Kettle? Black. Black? Kettle. A non-issue griefing post. Not trolls but not everyone is a nodding dog to every griefing post.
As I say, if you have issues there is a support desk and the issues section. If it’s not in there it’s NOT an issue.
It has been moved to the lounge because it has no relevance.

Use this forum for an overview of collected issues and to report new ones.

If the forum is not used properly how can anyone take it on face value that an “issue” is not caused by the user (who cannot use the forum properly) not knowing Cubase which is infinitely more complex? That’s the position we’re in.
Can you not see that? Please try it might save you a lot of wasted time (name calling) in the future. As would giving some system details when reporting a specific issue.

If an “Issues” thread is real, then it is moved to “Collected issues” or “Solved”.

That one gave me a good laugh :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: You know any more jokes like that?

Our friend is a veritable fountain of those :wink:.

yup, I still grin when I think of car analogies :slight_smile:

And I grin when I realise the car analogies are aimed at explaining the real world to those who have very dodgy “issues”. And who haven’t a clue how to use a simple forum let alone Cubase. :laughing:
But yes, car analogies must be a waste of time given that. :mrgreen: If one can’t use a forum then what hope driving? :mrgreen: Do cars really have six wheels?! Must be a bug because one’s on it’s side and the other’s got no tyre. Call that a professional car? :laughing:

Car analogies are very good. If I buy a car, I expect it to drive nicely. Surely I don’t want it to freeze and turn off itself suddenly here and there. Probably they make them reliable, because they know there will be no chance for bug fixes. If there are bugs in a car, the whole series will get a bad name, probably the whole company too, and they will be soon out of business. But if cars could be updated with bug fixes, then I bet they would be half reliable too, just as software.

Sounds like there are some Car experts here, that’s great, because I found another tire in the trunk. Now I’m wondering should I put it on the car? Where? I don’t see any place to fasten it to??? HELP

That’s the point, it’s like comparing apples and oranges.

It simply doesn’t work and any one who promulgates such nonsensical ideas should be given short shrift before a warning and then a ban shortly thereafter.

Am I serious?

Yes I am but I do understand new users will need to be cut some slack.


Just leave it in the trunk. That is a spare one for the moment you see a beautifull girl along the road with a flat tire.
If she then offers you a coca cola then you will know why you had that extra tire in your trunk.

kind regards,

and a bit off topic. But can someone with a big studio and experience jump in on this topic:

I tried to help him as much as i can, but this guy needs pro advice for an interesting investment for his studio.

kind regards,


Wow Roel, thanks! Appreciate the expert response!

I am going for a drive now. Cubase is great!

Car analogies are analogies. Not comparisons. However, if you have an allergy… it could be a bug going around.
Not much going on with Cubase 7 still I see.

“Bug going around”? Now I’m confused. Is that an analogy for entomology, chronology, immunology, or omniology?

What a bizarre post!

:mrgreen: And etymology.