When is the next Nuendo update?


As far as I remember it supposed to be now.


Yes, it should be imminent, at least I hope so as I can no longer move beyond N7 due to the ever decreasing track availability caused by plugin/device limitations in Nuendo on Windows systems.

Hi Chris
Just out of curiosity:
when you say decreasing track availability caused by plugin/device limitations,
… how many tracks do you have to cope with in your projects to reach the limits?

Cheers, Big K?

When is the next Nuendo update?

Not in January!

They said end January / early February if I’m not mistaken. So any day now until mid February :wink:

Hello all,

It has been completed technically, but we need to run tests. We’re a bit behind our
initial schedule, but we aim for mid of February now.


Thanks for the input Timo.

Thanks for the info.

Thanks for the update Timo!


Is there any information about what this update will include?

Hoping for same automation Cubase pro 9.5 has.

Thanks Timo!!

Did you guys get rid of that iron cross cursor?

Hi Big K,

I use a SmartAV Tango control surface which does require a lot of devices to be added in Nuendo, but a few updates back I was able to install all required devices and still add a fair number of inserts to a project, but now it is impossible load them all and the number of loadable plugins into Insert and Send slots has been much reduced. The project that I am currently working on has only 45 tracks in total (all types - audio midi sends etc.) and only 15 plugins, and already it struggles when I try to add another plugin. Sometimes the plugin will simply not load or sometimes I will just get a blank plugin window. To solve this I have to remove some SmartAv devices in Device Setup thereby reducing the number of audio tracks at my disposal. This gets worse with every Nuendo update - while nothing changes at my end (no changes to SmartAv).

There are others here who have reported similar issues and they are not all Tango users, so the problem does not solely relate to the Tango.

On Windows operating systems it is only possible to install a maximum of 256 DLL’s or Plugins, however this limit is dramatically reduced by Steinberg DAW’s and in my experience the number installable seems to be reduced with every update.

Here are some previous posts that relate to the issue:

You know when the likes of Izotope don’t support Nuendo 8, the version is a dead duck!


Released just a few days ago with Nuendo 8 support:

Looks like this duck is alive and well.

Nuendo 8 was not listed as supported because it was new and it works differently from previous versions. Nothing else.

Mid of February - 2018? :laughing:


unfortunately the version mentioned by Timo a couple of weeks ago didn’t pass all QA tests and needs to be rebuilt, while also including some extra fixes. This means that we have to delay this release by approximately further four weeks, assuming that all QA tests are successful.

Thank you for your understanding.

All the best,

Gosh, that’s frustrating. 4 extra weeks for another round. But thanks for letting us know.

But lets not forget we have the privilege to know about realese times. i rather to have that than a not knowing and just get a notice in the website.
There is a good will of SB team and I accept that.

in other words, “it’s still broken.”