Where are the symbols for string and woodwind harmonics?

Where are the symbols for string and woodwind harmonics? I can’t find them, and what’s perplexing is that there is a string “half-harmonic” symbol, whatever that is.


Harmonics are a Playing Technique.


The popover entry for Harmonics is o



Google is your friend here:

Half harmonics occur when the string is depressed by the left-hand finger somewhere between normal, stopped pressure and harmonic pressure. The sound is a mixture of the stopped string pitch, the harmonic pitch, and a resistant, slightly noisy quality. The stopped-string pitch is often also present in multiphonics.


For winds multiphonics see for example this thread:

and this link:

and here:

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Okay, my point is getting a bit lost maybe.

I know I can look up half-harmonic and whatever else. But I don’t understand why, in the Playing Techniques section under Strings, I don’t seem to have a regular harmonic symbol, but I do have the obscure avante garde half-harmonic symbol.

It’s the same when I go to edit the playing techniques. No harmonic symbol under stings! But there is that half-harmonic symbol again.

And for woodwinds, I’m not asking about multiphonics, but harmonics. There are many techniques there, but no harmonics.

All this seems backwards with respect to frequency of usage.


Normal and Artificial harmonics are properties of the note (in Dorico’s internal model), not playing techniques. So they appear in the properties panel.

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