Would it be dumb to purchase a cheap digidesign Control 24 in 2023..?

So both the Avid s1 and the Avid Dock connect via Ethernet, either straight to the computer or via a router, and both can use a tablet. When I got my s1 I didn’t intend to use a tablet with it at first simply because I don’t look at meters on my controller when I work, I use the screen instead. The s1 also has 8 programmable buttons (two layers) on the bottom that can be used for a bunch of things so I figured that would all be enough. But because Amazon had the Fire HD 10 on sale at the time I bought it as well. I tried it for about three weeks and initially planned on sending it back, but I grew to like it and it was cheap enough that it was well worth the investment. If you already have a tablet lying around you can download the software for free and just try it out without a controller.

That tablet connects via WiFi in my setup, not USB or ethernet. There is some lag on at least one of the pages but for what I do it doesn’t matter. I’m not sure if the tablet is the problem or if it’s that it has to go through WiFi versus direct to the computer.

I wrote some thoughts on it here:

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