Your Voice Matters: Cubase 14 Feedback Survey

I am still not very happy with this basic version of Dorico for Cubase 14 score edit. It is unusable for me. Simple things like being able to change fonts size of chord symbols and and chord types there are not enough choices.
I will have to continue using 13 until they it is fixed.

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Hereā€™s a new idea: Release free beta versions BEFORE you release it. That is my feedback.


Hey! Thank you so much for this!

Itā€™s nice to know that SB is open to our opinions.

Take the rest of the day off.

Finished, and I would like to see a summary as well.


the one thing that would make Cubase better is to have more intuitive control over how folders and buses work,

ableton and reaper have treated them as the same thing, studio one and logic have made ways to link them when they are needed,
cubase has nothing and forces you into using show/hide that involves looking away from what your working on each time to click something that involves scrolling up and down to find, and then when needing a bus youll have to scroll side to side in your console to find it rather than it being clearly at the front of that group, then its hard to see at a glance what is in the bus,
cubase this is your one short coming.
it is the second most upvoted topic on your forum,
it stops new users from transition and it makes many move to other software.

many methods have been discussed on how to do this,
ableton and reapers method is the simplest but would change the current workflow so id suggest looking at how studio one went about it theres a clear video on youtube called ā€œLinking Buses and Folders in Studio Oneā€ although its a bit clunky they do have the feature working while keeping the current cubase style there for the OG users.


For convenience, hereā€™s the video mentioned:

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For me, 14.0.10 is one of the worst updates ever. Drag-and-drop functionality no longer works with Serato Sample, and in Mix Monolith, if I save a preset as VST3, recalling the preset no longer adjusts the gain as it should.

Macros are completely messed up:

Macro 1.

-Prepare Archive
-Clean Pool
-Empty Trash

Result: The original file disappears from the MediaBay. I have to refresh the MediaBay to make the file available again if I am lucky. Sometimes, it outright deletes the file.

Macro 2.

  • Disable Track
  • Hide Track

Result: It disables the intended track but hides a random one instead.

I didnā€™t experience any of these issues before this update. I even reinstalled macOS and all my software, thinking the problem was with my system. After a clean reinstall, I found the same bugs as before.

I am on a Mac Mini M1, and this update has been a nightmare.


Done! Somehow I missed this. Hope my feedback is still relevant :slight_smile:

You should also post this on social media and on the homepage so that other users can provide their feedback.

thatā€™s cool

Maybe you start a separate thread

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Yeah, the survey will not run on Opera browsers as others confirmed.
Asks for your preferred language and canā€™t continue forward.

I hope that all this feedback is taken into consideration.

Took the survey. Took me only a couple of minutes. Hope people take this opportunity to share their thoughts, and Iā€™m sure Steinberg will listen. Thereā€™s always room for improvement.

Is there a chance we could have a feature/button/toggle/preference that allows one to click an event and it opens the event editor in the lower zone? I have to ā€œevents to partā€ to do this then edit my stuff and then ā€œdissolve partā€. I rarely use the normal edit window as I donā€™t edit with the range tool but the scissors/eraser etc. I also enjoy editing with the lower zone to see easier as it isolates/magnifies what I want to edit.


I have been a Cubase user since SX 2.0 and I honestly feel very sad at the direction Cubase has gone. Its too similar to FL and Studio One. Its lost its soul and class. Its so boring and uninspiring. Such a big mistake. Cubase 7/8/9 was pinnacle styling imo. This toyish , soul less drab post is sad. Its not as beautiful or professional anymore. I will stick with 12 until Cubase gets its soul back. Yes its modern but it feels like its trying to be ā€œone of the cool kidsā€. Logic, protools and ableton all have their signature style, Cubase used to be sexy but its looking more like an Ipad app every updateā€¦

Is there anyway that Cubase could actually read the presets from a third party vst and put it in preset selector? Other wise there are so many empty menu boxes all over that do nothing,

OH and a HUGE PLEASE!! When rendering a track, why the heck doesnt the track take on name that the file was given? It makes you have to rename tracks twice! What a flow killer.

And could we have more freedom to change the lower zone? Ie. pin things to it like the Notepad or whatever we like?

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[Feature request] : display daily the amounts of answers for the survey (total update + amount for the day)ā€¦ :nerd_face:

The ability to edit CC data on multiple tracks at once.
It is possible to create several macros that work in tandem that solves this, as you can see from the guide Iā€™ve made below, but this should really be a built-in function!


  • Cannot save expression maps in my template (tracks in folders), the assigned expression maps do not carry over when I load the template in a new project. Fix this in a quick update (asap, please).

  • There seems to be other bugs where if you disable close, open and enable a track the assigned expression map is no longer assigned. This is a sign expression maps overall has been overlooked for years and not bug fixed.

  • Expression maps need some serious upgrades in an update - why hasnt there been any big improvements for years? We need more input control options, strong integration with midi remote page, batch save, batch rename, batch load, filters and sorting, orchestral exp maps from brands available. UX improvements overall needed!


  • Composers and power users tend to use touch control interfaces. This is not you want to fiddle around and customize on your tablet but rather setup within your DAW template. Add a subpage under Midi Remote Control page for touch screen control custom page editing where I either use an updated app like iC Pro or similar or iPad sidecar to run these touch control pages. Let me control expression maps and other DAW controls. Work with media composers to offer their touch control templates and macros. It just makes sense to build my DAW touch control interface within Cubase for best integration. Add this with improved expression maps and other forms of articulation control options.


  • Fix the Cubase iC Pro app - the design is not same as Cubase 14 and feels very old. It doesnt work in large templates/projects and seem to have performance issue. Unusable.


  • The new Drum Machine in Cubase 14 should have NI Maschine MK3 integration for those who do not like the current Maschine 2/3 plugin. Also, please support different kit formats if possible. Would love to see Push 3 support too, perhaps in a bigger grid player style format?


  • Suppor/add a Cubase Channel Strip control mode on Console 1 MK3. Work with Softube on this, please. Redesign the GUI if needed.

  • Work with Softube to make the Console 1 plugin work better with large orchestral templates 500-1000 tracks.

  • Console Fader MK3 must be able to recall multiple DAW Mix Console views within the DAW (not Console 1 Favorites function). Important feature for good mix ergonomics. It also needs to work better with 500-1000 tracks orchestral templates.

  • DAW Mix console EQ preview windows must support third party plugins like Console 1. Show more than one EQ curve per track in DAW Mix console, and/or option to switch between them. Important for good mix ergonomics. Summing all EQs into on EQ would be nice too.

  • Console 1 effect chain should be visible in DAW Mix console track when the Console 1 plugin is attached to that track. Critical for good mix ergonomics in Cubase. Support third party effect chains as an addon section.


  • The Cubase Download Manager needs some serious graphic redesign. It is terrible and looks very old and should preferably be integrated with the authentication app for better UX.

Amen on Expression Maps. Large maps with a lot of articulation combinations are unusable. And iC pro is LOOOONG overdo for a overhaul.

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I tend to separate my expression maps in two main groups (due to reverbs): long and short articulations (sometime third and fourth group is Expression and FX). Expression maps still has a place (if you have the time to set it up) but it needs more support.

If you want more expression maps issues fixed vote on this issue: