Internally, it’s a different story for sure, Cubase is ancient, and its internal audio engine structure must be way more rigid than more modern DAWs. All the track formats are probably less for the user, but more to tell the engine what to do and how to handle things efficiently.
good question - if one exists then I certainly haven’t seen it - what I have seen is an ‘official’ post on this forum saying it’s been acknowledged and reported to Steinberg. Might have been on the Nuendo forum if you’re doing a search.
I don’t know if it’s of any help to you since it might require additional hardware. I happen to have a CC121 and I’m very happy with the way this controller can handle metronome: The CC121 has a ‘value rotary’ that can be pushed as well. I have it configured to switch metronome on/off on push, and setting the metronome level on turn.
I find myself reaching for this knob quite a lot when tracking, so I understand your need for this functionality. I hope this suggestions is of any help to you.
Media rack unable to save attributes list (is a bug)
Unable to change channel order on mixer
When on channel view, sends should work exactly like inserts: you click a send and the vst list should open and create a channel in background. That’s so obvious.
The fact that I cannot add more attributes on media bay like hand clap, bongo, 808 and so.
Bonus: the fact that I aslways have the impression that Cubase is a program designed and made for old people.
Regarding the dongle I would like to do a big shootout and admiration for the team for making Cubase uncrackable in a world where security is not absolute.
i think he refers to the “dated” workflow in several areas
Several areas, but overall, still the quickest DAW workflow if you know what you’re doing. There’s so many things Cubase does that other DAWs don’t, that it offsets all the quirks in this thread and beyond. Not sure how that makes it designed for ‘old people’.
Adjusting a Fade In or Fade Out length selects the track causing the track to go black and not able to see the fade handle you are adjusting. The volume handle in the middle of the event doesn’t do that and you can see what you are adjusting.
Safe mode and Profile that I need to remove or disable!
Cubase >10 project files become corrupted
Constant crashes
Score Editor although the concept is awesome, however, as far as testing goes not stable and so many issues and limitation (we are in 21st century).
Preferences setting even when you apply doesn’t work always!
Chord pad and voicing are very limited for mediocre composition and novices and cannot be customized or extended.
7*. Not being able to save external effects I/O.
I cannot give a good review to the testing team ( more specific testing engineers). I do believe they need to learn about testing ( different types: functionality, unit, integration, regression, etc.) and do it with care. Just assume you are the user and now a stranger.