5 silly quirks about Cubase that have annoyed you for years

@A.D.STUDIO @Frank_Heller @beatpete

Are we talking about Groove Presets? They should be saved globally no? That’s how I’ve seen most people use them.

For me, not presets but just the quantize settings should be saved with the project. at the moment, a new project will use quantize settings last used.


Okay I understand for sure now

One more Quirck and maybe an answer @powernemo (?) >

if you select one or many audio file(s) in media bay and drag it between two tracks ( green line highlight), it will create one or many new tracks with your files ( and the names of the files = names of the tracks ).
if you select a portion of a file ( selection range (pen tool) : click + drag to select / highlight an area), you can’t drag it and have a new track created.

So with some foley that i use often ( ambiance, recordings sessions that i haven’t chopped up … ) i end up importing the whole file everytime :confused:

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You’re right LoveGames. I remember being pleasantly surprised. And I’m thinking it was in maybe 10 or early 10.5. Gone now. :disappointed:

4 posts were split to a new topic: The cursor is not always in sync

It was before that. I think it either worked in 9 or stopped working in 9 (or 9.5). Definitely doesn’t work in 10 as I just upgraded from 10 to 10.5 (have 11 in my back pocket)

Could be. I thought it was a shorter time than that.
My latest peeve is the auto-creation of a new track every time you render an event. So if you render a source track by blocks or single events, you get multiple audio tracks for the one source track. Be nice to be able to designate a destination.

If you make sure that NO track is selected (ctrl-click on selected track), this should work. I do this all the time.

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My own fives…

  1. The NRPN messages recognition broken in the Generic Remote definitions.
  2. The unability of mediabay to manage VST 2.x, as well as third party plug-ins presets.
  3. The trackpresets being useless to save a whole tracks set (i.e. : a multitimbral set with few MIDI tracks on different channels, a VSTi and the corresponding audio returns)
  4. The broken inspector setup feature for instrument tracks : ‘pinning’ the audio fader doesn’t work, and I’m using it almost constantly…
  5. The Windows-M shortcut that doesn’t actually bring you back to Windows desk, this, with a rather strange behavior of Cubase in the Windows taskbar.
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the whole Windows management system seems totally non standard to me - I’ve just learned to live with it.

Indeed (I also did), and that’s why I put it just in n°5, the four previous ones being much more a matter of concerns, for me.

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Personally the fact I cannot resize the inspector

yeah, haha, but there’s a workaround you only need to do once per project I think. Open the full marker editor and there you can drag and drop the columns. I don’t care much for the ID column but the start of the Position column is a little useful. What I really care about is the Description so that’s worth it in the long run.

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For me, the most annoying thing in Cubase is that every time I start it and create a new project, it starts with the processing overload warning without having anything done. I manually have to click and reset it, so it can actually warn me when a real overload would happen. Drives me crazy.
This bug / behaviour is present for so many versions now. I reported it, never got fixed.


Top of my head

Audio cuts on various situations
Lack of trackpad pinch zoom like gestures
Plugin windows not following the selected track
Lower Zone mixer only showing one section
When Piano Roll selected one can not see the track inspector for fader insert sends etc controls.

Lack of stereo FX on mono channels

Well, that makes no sense. That would mean the output is stereo, and thus, it is no longer a mono channel?!

I’ll expand on the stereo/mono thing…why can’t you change a mono channel to stereo and visa versa ?

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Well it is possible in other DAWs and I find it useful when I do not want to use sends.
Also as Dr.Strangelove suggested mono/stereo switch on the tracks would solve it.

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It might not be possible via a comfy switch, but you can still go to File → Export → Audio-Mixdown and bounce your track to a new one in the desired format. And a personal advice - just don’t go for mono channels if you are not committed to making that specific track mono into the final result, including its insert FX. Making a mono track is a decision you do for mixing reasons, and you should plan that ahead, depending on the material. If you know you are going for stereo insert FX, even if you record in mono, just pick stereo channels by default. And if you think you can save a tiny bit of CPU usage through choosing mono tracks, just use offline processing and track freeze.

or you can simply drag the file to a new track :slight_smile:

and I don’t necessarily agree with your reasoning about mono vs stereo tracks but I still see no reason why you shouldn’t be allowed to switch