6.02 patch - crackles!

I found the source of the problem. Any of my projects that are using the Multiband Compressor are exhibiting both of the problems I reported: 1) crackles where they didn’t exist in 6.00, and 2) a delay in sound when monitoring (a guitar) through Cubase.

If I turn off the MBC, problems are gone.

I also added the MBC on the master bus to a couple of projects that did not exhibit the issues in 6.02, and it caused them to have both of these issues.

As I mentioned earlier, this is all at 64 samples. Windows 7 64-bit is up to date, and so are my firewire drivers (I did not install the very latest version of the MR816CSX drivers after reading about issues - just waiting for now).

I am going to go back to 6.00 now, and hope that Steinberg can duplicate the problem and come up with a fix.

And just for the record, the issues I mentioned here:

with MBC also exist in 6.02; took a moment to test while it was still installed.

Still very happy with 6.00, but hope you can fix this problem with 6.02, since it fixed another MBC problem that I have also experienced.
