Yeah…its pretty sad.
I have loved the journey, so much good stuff but pretty much after SX3 I just noticed stuff moving ahead far too fast without fixing the basics. Dropping important Steiny plugs was a real betrayal and even chats on the forum here…no one seems to have any idea about those or never got it…thats ok.
I have myself gone through massive changes over those years, I barely use midi anymore, my jobs are now mostly supplied mixdowns from clients and recordings at this studio
The main reason is being unable to pursue streamlining workflows, midi remote was a good start but its still not capable of replacing the legacy stuff so its just hacky
The system was never given a decent simple macro language and PLE is useful but just lacks super important capabilities
Needless to say I have over the last 2 years invested weeks into automating workflows and its pretty much come to a dead end. I hear no feedback about exposing the Cubase windows so I could at least use Autohotkey to fill in the gaps as it does in other work that I do. There is no power to do stuff as in Live (although its painful, there isnt much that you cant do but the package is not a serious mixing app for me personally). Im not sure where Im going but Im not spending anymore time on C12 as any bugs I work on unlikely to be fixed and Im not prepared to move to C14 after the absolute weeks it took me to get C12 stable…perhaps its old teimplates? I dont know
Ive looked at studio One but it is not looking that great at what I really want to do…which is in reality pretty simple, just be able to set the machine up to work as I do…and without doing java/api rubbish (Ive been a coder most of my working life and java=vomit) and a half baked API missing critical things (for my application)
Ill still keep Cubase going for these last couple of projects and I have many from over the years so it will force me to take what is good an move on.
Ive noticed too that the users on the forum seemed to have changed over the last 15 years and these days, I barely get responses…a lot of the brains trust is no longer here and basic issues I have just dont get solved or workarounds that I cringe at…sorry I just cant justify paying good money and the basics not working…I do music as art as well as paid work for others. The DAW must be an extension of me now…not make me a slave to it.
Ive just downloaded Reaper…and the actions are super…yeah its a bit hacky but Dan Worral made a couple of things clear aobut it and workflow can be made to just about anything fairly easily…now to see if I can bare to be without some of the beautiful things like Control Room as Im not sure where that is but I use Totalmix so I can always use that (and still use this template to do the recordings/cues etc and the drop the tracks into Reaper)
Anyway…Ill still try and work through the issues as I finish these projects over the next couple of months. Many many thanks especially to @Martin.Jirsak for so much help over the time (and so many others)