Best regards to everyone, I would like to hear your opinion about an alternative method to indicate what was reported in the subject. I would like to know if you think, from an editorial point of view, it may be correct to indicate it in this way.
I’d prefer it between the clef and time sig. Otherwise it could be mistaken for actual notation, times being what they are.
I would do it very gladly, but how do you do it?
You might have already done a search here as there are a few ways to create an Ambitus in Dorico, otherwise @benwiggy or others will answer you if you specifically want to have it as you have indicated.
Thanks, I know two ways: with the “Ambitus” character or using the tail, but neither can satisfy me. I didn’t quite understand where I can find the answer to my question above.
I was just checking you were aware of these other options/placements when creating an ambitus in Dorico as they are different from what you are trying to achieve here, that’s all.
Like this, and then hide the time signature, and the barline. (Exactly as with the Coda for Incipits.)
I thank everyone again for their precious support. The method suggested by benwiggy is very good for voices only, but empty lines remain with the instruments and I don’t know if from a typographical rules point of view it could be fine.
Why not just do this?
(You can delete the rests only once you’ve got some notes in the part.)
You’ll need to restart the bar numbering, so bar 2 becomes bar 1. Or, use a pickup bar (4/4,1), and then restate the time sig.
It seems great as a solution, but I didn’t understand how you managed to get such a wide distance between the key and the time indication.
That’s just the default: you can adjust it in Engrave mode, if you want. (And remember that there’s no music after bar 1.)
Thanks, it seems like a really good solution, even if I haven’t understood the process well yet. However, I would like to know if the shift of the time on the first musical line also occurs for the other pentagrams.
Yes, of course. Note Spacing adjustments generally affect all staves.