Cubase 12.0.50 maintenance update now available

have you checked the audio output assignments (F4) ?

I did and they were all there. But I created a New Output Bus (channels 3 and 4), deleted the old output bus (1 and 2), then changed the channels on the new bus back to 1 and 2 from 3 and 4. Now it works fine.

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Unfortunately I donā€™t. But we provide the ā€œScripting Consoleā€ which prints out error messages if there are any. But I guess it didnā€™t pop up, did it?

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Indeed, it didnā€™t. :roll_eyes:

No harm done since I found the solution myself. Still, thanks for coming back to me,much appreciated. :pray::blush:

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Pretty pleaseā€¦?

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Iā€™m telling you, they donā€™t realize how close to a mass exodus is going to happen once one of the competitors even appears to not have the long standing issues (Never the case) but the grass is always greener ā€¦

I wonder on what PCs Steinberg tests Cubase that everything works? What is the configuration of such computers? I do not know why but I have the impression that C12 works correctly only on the latest computers with top components ā€¦ I do not know why Cubase 11 works for me without the slightest problem and Cubase 12 does not ā€¦ Is it Windowsā€™s fault or maybe something else? I also wanted to ask if the way in which the PEAK indicator showing current values and not averaged is solved is useful to anyone? Or rather most people it annoys and interferes with working with Cubase?


First of all, I swear by Cubase. I wont change.

My personal feeling is CB12 is a lot more vulnurable to external stuff (video board and so on). Is it just the license system? I bet not. But something they chanhed is giving them a big headacheā€¦ again, my personal feeling.

I also feel a simple communication would suffice: ā€˜Heys lads, we changed the Iahdzy.ahd protocol and this is affecting stability, but as soon as we fix it, our bed code will be a lot better and powerful. Bare with us, lads!ā€™ ā€¦ or something in this line.

Iā€™m on .40, and afraid to upgrade. This says lots to me


I fully agree. This is a weird design decision that only contributes to create a false impression about Cubaseā€™s performance. This behavior should be corrected or, at least, making it optional. In fact, it annoys me so much that Iā€™m considering hiding the performance meter permanently.


Agree as well.

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With the proviso that i donā€™t have mega huge projects ā€¦ C12.0.30 works pretty darn well on my very old computer (c. 2014) which was middle grade at best when I bought it (details in forum profile).

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An old unsupported 3rd Gen i7 runs .0.50 perfectly here, i can squeeze all of the juice out of my machine without a hickup

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I read your info on your new license policy, and I thank you guys very much for the one-time registration on each computer. Nevertheless, I just ran into an issue, just today.

I have two desktops with Cubase, and a third on a laptop that I just installed two weeks ago. Just before this latest update. I am using it to control my software synths (Halion, etc.) for live performance. Just before we went on, the computer locked up, requiring me to connect the the internet so that cubase could check the license. I then had to restart the laptop for the system to work. Nowā€¦ everything I have is legally purchased; I do not cheat on licenses etc. So this was extremely inconvenient. Hopefully this bug can be sorted out?

Thank you for your kind consideration. I love Steinberg products, by the way. Always have, but they are better now than theyā€™ve ever been!

I just had a similar problem. Cubase Pro 12.0.50 would sometimes scramble audio in/out settings. I have not found a pattern yet. I usually open older projects with older Cubase versions. But I think the problem started when I unknowingly open an older(11) project in 12.0.50

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A post was split to a new topic: I didnā€™t receive the plug-in vouchers from the last sale

Update installed without a hitch and is running just fine. Thank you.

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I decided to take a chance and install Cubase 12 again in the latest version on a clean installation of Windows 11. After installing some Steinberg plug-ins, to my surprise everything worked flawlessly. I started installing more plug-ins including SynthMaster 2.9 in its latest version and my joy quickly disappeared. It was not even possible to move this plug-in on the screen because the PEAK indicator was red all the time. I uninstalled this plug-in and installed another ones i.e. NEXUS, SPIRE and AVENGER and everything works perfectly! I am really pleasantly surprised that after the latest update Cubase works really well. I just hope it will stay like this :slight_smile: Just in case, I turned off automatic Windows updates for a while :wink:

My metering scale and colour setup still not working. Always locked
with default metering colour scheme and scale. OS: Windows 10.

Maybe a daft question, But you are clicking on apply after making changes, right?
Edit: ignore this, I see ggmanestraki below was more observant than me.