Cubase 13 - Any word on new update cycle?

Still no articulation offsets. :face_exhaling:

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Someone turned off commenting due to an annoyance and cleaning up and my comment got caught just as the subject was being closed

hello guys

what u think about this new GUi Design ?


:rofl: !

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:upside_down_face: :joy:
An error occurred: Body is too short (minimum is 5 characters)

ahahahh :joy:

Noo please!

The Under 10’s interface :joy: :rofl:

Perfection, less is more!!!

Actually, more is more.

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When is a new version of Cubase coming out?
12.5 / 13?

When Steinberg releases it.


Please add the ability to load Track Archives from Media Bay to compete with Studio Ones Track Presets.


This thread just became too long. Time for a new start.

Moderators? Do you agree?

I don’t like the layout personally. Looks to much like Cubasis’s design.

I’m not a moderator, but I am trying to moderate my laughter after reading your post.


Seriously, are you now the forum police?

You have been on a roll lately …


I heard rumors one would be able to switch looks between Cubasis and Garage Band.

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Not at all. I just gave my opinion.
The entire post is a lot to read trough, that’s all.

Ha, I especially hate it when the design includes the face of a random person. Or is this meant to be used as a target for my aggressions triggered by the new deesign? :Ddd

@Elien I heard you can purchase additional “Face packs” if you don’t like the default one.