Mmmmm … my precious!
I don’t think the next version will be called 13 and lucky for some. Maybe it’ll be called the anniversary edition.
I’d go for XIII
I like 13! It’s a good number, and a mean groove!
But if the number is a problem we could easily go with Cubase Sixth Prime or Cubase “you know which one”.
i will wait for cubase 13… but because 12 is so good it has everything i need i see no reason to upgrade
How about Cubaker’s Dozen.
Haha! That reminded me - if I remember correctly - that Steinberg originally named Cubase ‘Cubit’, but they had to change the name because another company (ICL in the UK?) had a product called Cubit. Any Steinberg historians confirm if I’ve remembered this correctly?
I end up buying the updates because I want to continue to have Steinberg and Cubase around. I guess I somewhat think of the version updates as a subscription though if Steinberg were to shift to a subscription model, I would change DAWs. At the same time, I don’t know what else I would ask for feature wise in a new version. Cubase has, for my needs, been really close to perfect fop me for the past few versions if I am honest. I can totally understand Steinberg skipping the .5 versions as I imagine it is hard to find enough areas to improve
NAMM Starts on a Thursday, so the Wednesday prior. What a party that’s going to be.
Since I litterally just purchased cubase 12, if cubase 13 releases soon, i will get a free upgrade right ?
Usually there is a reasonable grace period. In the past it was very generous, because it was not the date of purchase but the activation date that started the grace period.
The grace-period policy of Steinberg always has been very fair.
I want a bug-free, bug-free, bug-free cubase, you know?
I want a bug free Windows. (But I catch your drift …)
Cubase is indeed not the most ‘robust’ piece of software. And it is not enough protected for ‘exceptions’ but a lot of problems can be prevented by optimizing the Windows environment …
Rock solid “what you play is what you get” midi timing for all platforms, irrespective of computer clocks.
Bug free software does not exist
That’s actually good news that they’re taking their time and hopefully they’ll release more solid software.
Looks like they’re following my advice.
Another thing Steinberg focus on better synth sounds.
More solid software and better sounds please and thank you.
Steinberg has some pretty high quality synth sounds with Padshop, Retrologue, Halionsonic, and Halion. If not the best for bread and butter, and sound design. The third party expansions are very good.
(post deleted by author)
It degrades your argument when you name call people.
I’ve used Cubase for 20 years and it’s stable for me and always has been.
What is the reason for starting this insult?
I just said there is no bug-free software, was that too much for you?
Notepad? Bug-Free?
and btw. about Photoshop
Again, there is no bug-free software, that does not exist anymore for decades.