Cubase 13 crashing constantly

Already done it

Hi there,

Running Cubase 13, Pro, v13.0.4
Currently cubase is crashing all the time. Usually what happens is I am working on a project, then cubase inexplicably decides that it doesn’t want the project to work anymore. It can be a project I have been working on for a week, or one that I have been working on for months. Once I get that initial crash the issue keeps on repeating for that project.

99% of the time what happens is, load up project, CPU bar looks to jump up and down but laggy if that makes sense. Then as soon as I select a channel with my mouse, the project crashes. It can be any channel, audio/midi/instrument whatever. I can even open the project, play the audio and it will play fine, but as soon as I click on a channel it will freeze then crash. Additionally, even when everything is 'fine’playback can skip for a split second if I select a channel whilst music is playing, seems like this maybe linked the issue as I have not experienced that in previous versions of Cubase. Sometimes I can rectify the issue by backing up the project to another folder. This doesn’t appear to be working anymore either.

I have been using cubase since 4 - this is by far the most buggy version I have used and am seriously thinking of switching DAWs for the first time ever.
I have updated all my drivers.
Windows 10 Pro , Version 2004, 19041.264
Intel(R) Core™-i9-10980XE CPU @3.00GHz

Most recent .dmp file link: Cubase13.exe.14144.dmp - Google Drive

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When exactly did this crash happen, please? What were the last steps?

3:30 PM today, about an hour ago.

I had backed up the project to a new folder, and turned my soundcard on and off.

I just saw in the thread that they uninstalled logioptions pluse and it resolved the issue for them. I am gonna try this now.

Just uninstalled LogiOptions + , rebooted PC, turned soundcard on and off. Opened cubase and opened project, press space bar to play project, it plays, select a channel with my mouse, and it crashes.

This also happens if I choose a channel with my C121 as well.


Here is the lates DMP file:

Think I have resolved the issue. My cubase projects don’t seem to be stable if I use the projects that include tracks that have been imported from another cubase project, and I am only talking about other cubase 13 projects.

Even when theproject doesn’t crash, the tracks that have been imported have their record enable and monitor buttons both greyed out. I am guessing that is not supposed to happen?

I just started cubase with 3rd party plugs uninstalled, created new tracks, copied the settings of the imported tracks, pasted onto the new tracks then transferred the midi/audio events to the new tracks as well.

I then just rebooted cubase in normal mode and restarted the project and it appears to of worked.

As mentioned before, Cubase always seemed stable for me in the past, and the fact that the ‘import tracks from other projects’ feature was only available for cubase 13 (or 12) seems to correlate with what I have been experiencing historically.

If you could confirm the record/monitor being greyed out on imported channels being a genuine bug that would be great.

It’s a shame because it’s a great feature, I just need to get organised with bouncing audio tracks if I want to use them for new projects.

I am not weighing in for any other reason than to try and help but if you have experienced slow downs or crashes outside just Cubase - there is a massive problem affecting, potentially all, Intel 12th and 13th generation CPU (caused by oxidisation of the VIAs inside the chip) it has only in the last couple of weeks started to come to life just how prolific this issue is and how many are failing (over 50% it would seem as of now). Just something to be aware of.



Make sure, there is a valid Input assigned, please.

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This specific crash is in one of the Stienberg’s built-in plug-in.

Reported to Steinberg.


Do you have a way to reproduce this, please?

Very hard to replicate. As mentioned before, it first started when I would revisit old projects, now once cubase decides it’s going to not ‘play ball’ with the project I am working on, it’s starts from there.

News flash - I thought I resolved the issue with the imported files thing - turns out I was wrong. The project that I thought I had salvaged has now crashed multiple times today.

The initial crash usually occurs randomly, or when saving a Grooveagent Kit/changing a plug in when the music is playing. Once the first crash comes, it’s downhill from there. Reopening the project, 99% of the time the crash will come when I select a track (with music playing or not). The crash is characterised by a freeze on the activity meter then crash, or if the music is playing sometimes digital distortion is heard then crash.

I have had limited success with:

Backing up project to a new folder (this used to work 100% of the time, now it works about <10% of the time).
Turning SC on/off
Starting cubase in safe mode, then removing channels and VSTi’s (this worked last night, but today I am back to square one).

At this stage, I am not even going to bother starting a new project, because it’s only a matter of time before the sword of Damocles drops :-/

Thanks, do you know which one?

This all sounds like it mite be a malfunctioning of your RAM?

Please take a look at this: How to Use Windows Memory Diagnostic | Microsoft Surface

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Thank you. I will check this out.

I did the check, however I can’t check the results because my system notifications are turned off, and when I reach the page to turn them on they are greyed out. Ugh. I will have to speak to the guy who built my computer.

With regards to ram being the issue, all I can say is that other programs seem to work OK and there is certainly no serial crashes occuring - Premier pro runs a little slow if I am editing multiple videos, but I put that down to my average graphics card, and it was slow when I had no issues with cubase.

The only thing other thing I will say is that if I am downloading files from the internet and streaming music on youtube, or playing music on rekordbox etc. the audio starts getting choppy. That never used to happen on this computer before, or my computer I used previously, which was no where near as powerful.

Running 128GB of ram.

an easy way to test if your system is OK for DAW work is to download the Reaper trial, it’s fully functional. Replicate your project in that, you can even import the same audio files and see how it runs.

If it runs fine then it’s a Cubase issue.


p.s. just for the sake of it, try running the MMCSS thread limit fix and see if that makes a difference, you’ve nothing to lose at this point.


I think I have found the culprit. Opened up a template with 9 group channels and a bunch of plugins already loaded, saved the project then selected a group channel with my mouse, and the project crashes as usual.

Restarted cubase with 3rd party plugins deactivated, opened up the same project, choose the plugin from the apparent smallest software developer - Big Clipper 2 by Boze Digital and removed all 8 instances of the plug from the template. Restarted the cubase in normal mode, opened the same template project without the clipper vsts, selected a channel with my mouse- no crash!

Did the exact same process on the project that crashed multiple times over the weekend, no crash!

Shame, as I liked Big Clipper 2 as it offers something different to the other clipper VSTs - but have just bought StandardClip which has good reviews and is just as affordable.

I have been using Big Clipper 2 on Wavelab Pro 11 with no issues… And used to use Little Clipper 1 on Cubase 12 with no issues.

Anyone else use Big Clipper 2?

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Your third crash dump file also shows that Big Clipper 2 caused the crash there. The plugin could also have triggered instabilities in the other cases although it’s not mentioned in the other dump files. Anyway, great to hear that you’re able to work on the project again.
Maybe you should report the issue to Boz as well so that they can have a look and fix a potential bug.

Still on going issue. Cubase 13 is very unreliable. 7 crashes today already. Steinberg have been of little help. The most simple things it freezes. Adjusting eq…opening groove agent freeze…I am continuously backing up each time i record. Then I try to start it and it cannot find the license! Very draining as I then need to reboot. May move to another Provider



Attach the *.ips/dmp files with the descriptions, when did the crashes happened, please.

You can also attach the relevant *.log files as addition.