Cubase 13 out now!

What’s odd is that the build that’s getting demonstrated on the various ‘influencer’ channels the icons are black which is much better. I don’t know why they changed it before public release, or why they didn’t put an option in so we could change it.


You can , it depends on the huge settings , you can do white or black , check out One Mans song , he explains it

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I watched that video the other night, and it was really informative, but can’t remember him talking about getting the icons black as per many of the influencer builds being demonstrated.

More specifically i’m talking about these:

That seemed to be the default for that earlier build and calms the screen down much better, as those icons really aren’t all that critical but rather a reference.

Hey Just checked this yes it goes into defeat mode. You can press S when you have selected a few channels, that will also Solo selected channels.

Still 4…???

I had great hopes when Yamaha acquired Steinberg. Yamaha have a long, proud history of musical instruments, and musical education. They recognised that no-one emerges from the egg as a professional musician. They recognised that professional musicians start out as students/hobbyists. Their XG work was innovative and visionary. It saddens me to think that Yamaha are going to follow Gibson and Fender down the gurgler of mediocrity (meh).


please give us Cubase 12 mute and solo buttons back, it was much better looking.

the rounded look and black text, much nicer


Strange bug with the Zoom function when Auto scroll is on.
When you stop play it doesn’t zoom into the Cursor anymore it zooms into beginning of the project?
One of the best functions compared to the competetion is gone?

I haven’t bought the update yet, but I need some information which is quite important for me. Do you find that [SHIFT + ALT + Left Click] still positions the cursor?

I beg to differ, bitwigs “faders” are the ugliest on the market

Yes, it does.

Cub 3

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Hi @asolanoe. Cubase LE, Cubase AI and Cubase Elements share the same executable. To find out which licence you have, you should look at the start-screen. If it says Cubase Elements, then you’ve got Cubase Elements.

Thank you!

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You’re welcome. Look above, I added an animated GIF.

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Or instead of them changing the aesthetics each year which we’re fixed with, just spend that time into making it customisible options so we can do it ourselves.

Too much back and forth on the look of Cubase each major update and they can never cater for everyones needs, screen setup and vision.

AS i see it, If the elements are being rendered in realtime then give us the basic font size, colour and padding options - it’s already reading it from somewhere, so just direct that to a user source.

And, If they are fixed image assets then let us use our own, as again, it’s reading it from somewhere.

Everywhere i’ve seen C13 discussions then interface is being debated and it’s very split amongst users.


Ok, last question before I jump into the fray. Has anyone already checked whether everything works in the external hardware department? In the past there had been problems for example in the calculation of delay compensation (then it was resolved, but in my experience, each new version brings with it returns of overcome problems).

Judging by this thread, not very promising:

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Agreed, gives more customizable options on appearance


I don’t hate to see the curves go. But the white lettering everywhere is ridiculous. It looks like downtown at night.


Still no communication with or integration of Dorico :frowning_face:
Why can’t you make these two work together ?

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