Cubase 14 wishlist

My biggest and forever wish is to be able have far more deeply configurable track headers that let us see inserts/sends/volume/pan/track delay/and more like Pro Tools. I think it would make both Cubase and Nuendo so much more approachable, especially for anyone looking to move away from doing business with AVID.


Wish list

Cheapest update from cubase 13.

Color selected channels (no tracks) with one click.

Sends from any point in the insertion chain. Pre insert, pre plugin 6, also for the sidechain.

Configure the top toolbar by dragging the menus.

This is pretty big for me too, but I also use Reaper where this is all available and I do find it quite hard to adjust when I come back to Cubase.

However, the integrated channel strips in Cubase do balance it out a bit, if you’re willing to use stock EQs/Comps etc.

I was using Reaper for a while too, but came back to Cubase (for now) for advanced MIDI stuff (though Cubase also NEEDS the draw/edit CCs on multiple tracks at once the Reaper can do). The channel view, channel settings window, 4 MixConsoles in Cubase are all great to have, but I learned to mix in Pro Tools and never actually had to actually open the mixer. I miss that so much. I kind of feel like the folks at Steinberg might not fully realize how great it is to be able to work this way. Having lots of tiny tracks and a separate MixConsole window makes sense for a MIDI, but when working with audio (and the MIDI always gets printed) I really prefer to be able to see all my track controls on each track, easily copy and paste plugins and sends, easily adjust volume, and also have a bigger audio waveform for editing and overview of arrangement. Flipping back and forth between the mixer and the project window always makes me feel slightly disoriented in the project (not to mention the lackluster mixer scrolling behavior which I’ve posted about elsewhere).


Agree with all of this apart from maybe giving us the option to sharpen the automation lines because it should never be necessary in the first place. Just sack anybody who thinks it’s a good idea to make any part of the GUI almost invisible and let’s be done with this modern nonsense once and for all.
SX might look dated but the GUI was far superior to everything since in terms of practicality, usability, visibility and basic common sense.


Yeah! Hire me, Steinberg, to integrate PinchBar into Cubase 14 :sweat_smile:

Btw: PinchBar 0.3 is public now fixing compatibility with Cubase 13… hf :+1:


AAC file import support, then Cubase will be perfect for me.


Absolutely true, good point. This new “cloudy invisible GUI era” is a bit frustrating.


Not a bad idea. I will say as a long-time Pro Tools user myself that there are many things I find very refreshing about Cubase’s mixer workflow, none of which PT does very well or at all.

Such as, I love how you don’t really have to fuss with bus numbers and manually setting up busses in the back end which can be super tedious. In Cubase I think it’s awesome how you just group tracks and it names it automatically by whatever you call it, rather than having to remember where “Bus 43” goes to etc. Also this is minor but I love the ‘q link’ function and how when you use the modifier key to add or change inserts to multiple tracks, the mixer gives you immediate visual feedback, and the ability to undo. Can’t tell you how many times I accidentally added or deleted a plugin or audio routing to ALL tracks in my PT session and for some bonkers reason you cannot undo this, the only way is to close/revert the session and potentially losing work.

I also really enjoy how adding automation you can just search for it in the automation lane pop-up window… whereas PT you always have to manually go into the plugin and find the parameter and add it etc. So many extra steps.

Also loving the immediate access to input filters/gain on every channel. And the recent addition of a button to switch a track from mono to stereo or vice-versa, something which PT needs to add as well, since it’s rather strict in this area.

In general I find Cubase’s mixer workflow to be a lot faster and more intuitive, and I’ve used PT for many years!

I’d love to see your recommendation as well as the ability to create summed/grouped folders which you can now do in PT as well as basically every other DAW on the market except Cubase.


I agree on all points. For me, it’s just about UX, not at all that Cubase’s mixer doesn’t get the job done. (Let’s not turn this into a Cubase vs. DAW thread, but I do hope Steinberg takes a look and borrows some good ideas from other DAWs!)

Summing folders (groups) in Cubase is another major one on my wish list. I would like a per-folder option to automatically route child tracks to the parent summing folder, with the ability to automatically color tracks based on the parent folder’s color, as well as an option to color the child tracks in a gradient based on the parent’s color.


Bit late with this response, but any hoo,
You can work around this by using loop markers and just set the display to Time, rather than beats. I use a shortcut to toggle betwixt the 2.

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The version 12 GUI. :slight_smile:


Thank you Googly_Smythe! After your reply I searched the “Set Up Transport Bar” and found (and checked) a Locator Range Duration display (I don;t know for how many versions back it is there, I never noticed it). It follows the primary display settings for Time or Bars - I have both primary and secondary on so I simply switched them and voila! Thanks again!

Please Auto save in background.
I would like to see the autosave behavior improved.
For a heavy project like a full orchestra, it is very annoying to have to wait about a minute for every auto-save.


True words of wisdom.
Agree 100%


Dear developers! Please watch my video here. I have prepared a short presentation here!


It like Blender 3D Quick Favorites menu with Q as its shortcut where you can assign most used program functions or tools. I guess this could be implemented in Cubase RMB context menu.


More! Dear developers! Please make it possible to save the preset not only of “hot keys” and “preferences”, but also so that you can save the entire working environment, including the color palette with which the tracks are colored. This is very important, because every time I reinstall Cubase, I need to remember or take a screenshot of everything in order to build a working environment again. Position of the transport panel, Insert-EQ-Send buttons on audio, instrument and group track .
PLEASE! Make it so that you can also save this as a presset and save this file on your hard drive! Thank you! :pray: :pray: :pray:

A bigger Team, Budget + time to get it right*


Have you tried “Profiles”?