Disable track in Mute state?

When you have a track that is muted the yellow “M” is lid up and then you disable that track in muted state and enable it again the “M” is no longer lid up but the track is still muted. A nasty bug that will make your head scratch and wonder why you can’t hear anything.
I know it won’t be fixed as Steinberg doesn’t fix any reported bugs but at least the Cubase community will know that you will need to press the M button to engage and disengage to make it work.

HI Captain @jackthepilot ,

my guess: this has something to do either with a mistake on your side (events inside the part are muted/ turned down, something in the routing, an FX and so on) OR your preferences got messed up.
Either way: please be more specific (OS, Cubase Version, description, routing, screenshots of the track with its routing etc) and the forum will come to your rescue to avoid a crash landing :wink:

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No, it’s not a mistake on my side. It’s Cubase full of glitches. Have a look. I am attaching a video. What’s sad is that Cubase doesn’t fix glitches just like they broke the automatic MIDI remote script loading and never fixed it.
Here is the video.

You forgot to attach the video…

How can you be so sure that it is impossible a mistake was made on your side?

Hi, yes it is a known bug. I had the same problem 3 years ago and posted here asking for help. For me it was on an instrument track.

It’s not my mistake. It’s a glitch in Cubase.
almaelectronix confirmed it as well. Here is the video again for you to see.

Yes, only on instrument track. Thank you for confirming.
Since Steinberg will never fix it, are you aware of any bug list that exists that would list all known bugs. In a normal world a vendor would do the best to fix the problems, I blows my mind that it was reported 3 years ago and still hasn’t been fixed.

There was a list started by @Louis_R but it stopped at version 12.0.60 and I can see it is closed now. It was a good try though.

Yes, I agree that issues and bugs are the first to be addressed on every update, yet there are much older bugs that sadly still remain.

Apologies - my bad!
This is a bug, indeed. I can confirm it here, too (Win 10 C14.0.10).

@almaelectronix I can’t believe that is has been around for such a long time.

You accidently marked my post as the solution.

@almaelectronix post contains a link to a thread with a workaround. I’d say this is the closest you can get to a solution for now. However, since this is still an issue, it might be good to tag this post with the name tag “issue” and leave it unsolved to create attention. Maybe the bug will be found on a dev’s to do list one day?