It’s too difficult to tell how many this happens to.
The principle is for the application to collect data from the disk, meaning the application must accept whatever speed the disk delivers data in. That goes for all applications on any operating system.
If the disk happens to be an old floppy disk, then exporting 4 bars of music might take an hour due to slow output of the disk. But it would still be completed, because the application must wait for the data to be delivered.
If the disk wouldn’t be working at all, then you’d have such clear signs of system problems that you wouldn’t even be thinking of exporting music in the first place. You wouldn’t even be able to open the project that you intended to export from at all. No errormessage would be needed.
If the export-process is interrupted, then ‘Disk overload’ is therefore an errormessage that is not relevant to what issue caused the interruption. Subsequently, ‘Disk overload’ is intended to be used as the basis for error search, and that’s what would be entered into any errorlog. Not sure how Steinberg would be able to help there.
Exporting music can mess up on any DAW, on the odd occasion. But this is usually temporary, and due to some easily detectable problem. I don’t find this issue with Cubase neither temporary nor easily analyzed.
The person asking is on Mac and I’m on Windows and there are several others users here declaring the same problem, who’s on one of those two systems. Different platforms, same problem, with same symptoms, using the same program. That doesn’t smell like a temporary or local problem to me.
So whichever way we twist and turn this, it centers on Cubase being the problem.
And no, I haven’t reported this. I just got on Cubase (from a long absence) and I have over a dozen problems with it that even prevents me from creating productively. That’s what I would report first. Plus reporting things wouldn’t solve things for me, and I need it solved. If it can’t be solved in the next week or so, I won’t be using Cubase anyway, in which case I won’t care to report it. I got other DAWs that doesn’t act like this. I just love Cubase workflow. That’s what makes these instabilities an quirks so incredibly frustrating.