Dorico 4.3.11 under macOS detects the "Caps Lock" key as the combination of "shift" + "4"

Dear developers,

Why does “caps lock” key the task assigned to the character “$”?

I have been using this key command since Dorico 2.1 or Dorico 3, if I remember correctly. However, I did not intensively use Dorico in 2022, so I wonder whether the problem appears in all Dorico 4. x versions. At least, I currently encounter this problem with Dorico under macOS 12.6.3.


Thanks in advance!

Dorico (3.9 MB) (1.9 KB)

I CAN’T REPRODUCE THIS. UMMM, HANG ON… No, I can’t reproduce this.

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Normally on computers the Caps Lock key shifts the case of letters but does not affect the number keys, so if $ is SHIFT+4 (or another number key) on your computer keyboard, you will have to hold down the SHIFT key manually to enter a $.

Yes, $ is SHIFT + 4 on my keybord. I did not type the character ‘$’, Dorico automatically detects the character ‘$’ when pressing 4 while holding down SHIFT .

I also cannot reproduce any problem here. I wonder whether this could be an issue limited to the Korean keyboard layout.

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Wasn’t there a similar issue with the Spanish keyboard layout? I can’t remember which combination of keys gave that same SHIFT result unexpectedly… I think it was reported here (although it could have been on FB…)


No, I used “$” also with Dorico 3.x under Mojave, Catalina and Big Sur, and I have never had this kind of Problem. I still have Dorico 3.5 under Mojave (macOS10.14.6) on MacBook Pro 2018 (intel), and I cannot reproduce this problem. However, I could reproduce this problem under the same OS on the same machine when using Dorico Thus, I think this problem is a problem of Dorico or Dorico 4.x under macOS.

To confirm this, I removed the Korean keyboard layout under macOS 12.6.3 on MacBook Pro 2021 as follows, but the problem is not resolved:

The following setting is my usual setting:

There is a switch option for Korean input, but selecting and unselecting this option does not affect this problem:

I am attaching what Qt 5.15.2 detect when pressing the caps lock and the character $ on MacBook Pro 2021:

  • pressing caps lock :
    [ character: �, modifier: 0, Unicode: 65533, keycode: 57 ]
  • pressing the caps lock then holding the caps lock in one action when the caps lock is off:
    [ �, 0, 65533, 57 ], then after some milliseconds [ character: �, modifier: 0, Unicode: 65533, keycode: 255 ]
  • pressing caps lock then holding caps lock in one action when caps lock is on:
    [ �, 0, Unicode: 65533, keycode: 57 ]
  • pressing and holding shift:
    [ character: �, modifier: 131072, Unicode: 65533, keycode: 56 ]
  • pressing 4 while pressing and holding shift:
    [ character: $, modifier: 131072, Unicode: 36, keycode: 21 ]

I got this using SuperCollider which is developed using Qt and C++.
The code I have used is as follows:

Document.current.keyDownAction_{ |view, char, modifiers, unicode, keycode|
	["character:" + char, "modifier:" + modifiers, "Unicode:" + unicode, "keycode:" + keycode].postln;

Document.current.keyDownAction = nil // to deactivate the keyDownAction

I hope someone in the developers can reproduce the problem.
If none of the developers could reproduce the problem, then could one of the developers inspect my computers via Zoom?

I rewrite the symptom with other words:

Assigning “SHIFT + 4” as a key command in Dorico under Mojave and Monterey activates the following two shortcuts:

  • SHIFT + 4
  • Caps lock

Assigning “SHIFT + 4” as a key command in Dorico 3.5 under Mojave activates only the following shortcut:

  • SHIFT + 4

I tested this if it occurs while macOS 12.6.3 runs in safe mode. In safe mode, the necessary fonts for Dorico are not activated, so Dorico shows musical symbols not correctly, but I could notice that by pressing the caps lock score is changed.

This also shows that allocating a pivotal command to the character ‘$’ activates the caps lock. This phenomenon may not be related to a Korean keyboard layout. As I reported, I did not notice this while using Dorico 2.x and Dorico 3.x.

To examine more accurately, I should reinstall macOS, but I cannot do it because it is very time-consuming.

Anyway, I experienced the same phenomenon on two machines: MacBook Pro 2018 (intel) and MacBook Pro 2021. I hope someone at Steinberg can help me.

Could it be related to your hardware keyboard, rather than the software?
I’m unable to reproduce this with a couple different keyboards here in the U.S.

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I have tested with the following keyboards under macOS 12.6.3 on MacBook Pro 2021 (silicon):

  • MacBookPro built-in keyboard

The keyboard is the same as the U.S. keyboard, only labelled with Korean and U.S. English together.

I installed a clean macOS 12.6.3 onto an external SSD connected to MacBook Pro 2021 (silicon). Then I installed Dorico 3.5 and Dorico 4 and experienced the same phenomenon.

I am attaching a video:

The video shows that Dorico 3.5 and Dorico 4.3 behave differently to allocating the command key shortcut SHIFT + 4 under the same macOS on the same machine,

  • Dorico 3.5 does not confuse $ and the Caps Lock key
  • Dorico 4.3 confuses $ and the Caps Lock key

I am also attaching the diagnostic report by Dorico 3.5 and 4.3:

I think, Dorico 3.5 and Dorico 4.3 should behave in the same way if the problem is because of the Korean keyboard layout.

If the problem is really due to the Korean keyboard layout, what should I do to resolve the problem? For example, not allocating $ as a command key shortcut?

Indeed, it was me who had this problem:


I tested it with Ventura on an external SSD connected to MacBook Pro 2022. The phenomenon is the same when using command keys by pressing shortcuts:

  • Dorico detect caps lock as the combination of SHIFT + 4.
  • Dorico 3.5 does not confuse these two command keys.

Considering @lucas_r_r’s experience and

the experiences of other users commented in his thread,

this is reproducible by multiple users internationally.

At least, I am happy that my apple machine is not the only instance in the world with this problem.

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The same phenomenon occurs when using Dorico under Mojave on iMac2013-late.

  • Dorico detect caps lock as the combination of SHIFT + 4.
  • Dorico 3.5 does not confuse these two command keys.

Thanks for your further observations. We’ll let you know if we would like you to investigate further. For the time being, please don’t bump this thread any further.

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This seems to be fixed in Dorico 5 SE. What about Dorico 5 Pro? Could someone check this for me? It does not seem to be documented in the Dorico 5.0 Version History PDF.

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Yes, this appears to be fixed in Dorico 5.
Another oddity (probably Qt-related) which no longer occurs is that the F18 and F19 keys would act like the A and B keys respectively.