Here are revised Playback Templates and/or Expression Maps for GPO5 with Dorico 5.
As above, note that Windows users may not be able to load the VST state, because the Mac version is a higher number. Sadly, this negates a lot of the work I’ve done of selecting instruments for Dorico Players.
In order to make use of Dorico’s Stage and Space templates, I’ve turned off GPO’s Stereo Stage (CC103) in ARIA Player, set the Pan to 12 o’clock, and assigned the Small Studio Convolution (NB: turn off Ambience). You will need to do this if you load your own instruments.
GPO (1.8 MB) (587.2 KB)
GPO Ex (27.8 KB)
Let me know if anything is amiss. Unless there’s a huge outpouring of grief, I’m unlikely to produce many more of these.
Given what can be done with NP4 and other libraries, my interests in Garritan lie in a heavily customized ‘new direction’ – e.g. rewriting the instrument definition files to create improved instruments, using the samples from GPO and other libraries together.
If anyone is interested in ‘advanced Garritan use’, I’m putting together a manual about it.