Dorico Predictions for 2023?

What are your predictions for Dorico - the app, community or what have you for 2023? Document it here so the team can have a laugh now, and us a year from now :grinning:

On the new features I’ll predict Roman Numeral, and a bunch of other stuff I never would have guessed.

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Drag and drop audio export to Cubase!


Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.

Variously attributed to Neils Bohr, and many others. :slight_smile:


numbered notation … spatial notation, free staff design :slight_smile:

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Notation für Steyerische Harmonika.

It’s an interesting question.

A lot of the simpler correspondences between notation and playback have been dealt with but I’d guess that work is being done on the expansion and contraction of repeats, bar repeats, and tremolos, and also the interpretation of ornaments and pauses.

A really well implemented conductor track would take Dorico to a new level of expressivity.

Hopefully a lot of the mainstream notation requests will finally be met…

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Expanded Conditions in expression maps beyond simple note length (ala Notion), e.g.,

  • if velocity <|<=|=|>=|>
  • if technique = ( any technique )
  • if (first|last)-note-under-slur
    … and whole host of other, useful states that could be introduced.

as Dorico 4 largely ignored Expression Maps to focus on other priorities (or perhaps it was Paul being assigned to other duties), I would also expect new developments in this direction. Dynamics dependent patch changes were already flagged at the time of D3.5 as being in the plans for future automation development if I remember correctly and it would certainly make sense to be able to reprogramme and perhaps increase the number of the five current note length boundaries.


What do you mean by a conductor track? Describe what that would look like.

I’m curious b/c presently for humanization the piano roll appears to be the ideal tools for it now, can’t think of how that could be improved.

Ability to take audio device inputs into the mixing console (External Instruments).

Ability to make/remove AUX send channels at will (like the one that currently hosts a reverb by default).

More options in expression maps for implementing legato interpretation for various instrument libraries.

Lots and lots of tweaks to optimize overall performance and fix odd bugs.

New Licensing system gets kinks worked out that improve load times and efficiency. (eLicenser version open instantly for me. The new system takes like 3 or more minutes for the UI of anything HALion/Groove Agent to open, no matter the host involved…be it a Steinberg one, standalone versions, a Plogue engine, doesn’t matter. Opening HALion/Groove Agent plugins that use the new Lisencing system take FOREVER on my rig. Why? Rolled back to the dongle version and it’s snappy again).

More options for group/educational licensing and mass deployment.

Lots of complaints when Apple decides to break something (Maybe Rosetta, Maybe something else) that forces a lot of people to rework significant portions of their older projects (involving VST2 for example).

Workflow and UI improvements (particularly in Play and Engrave areas).

Continued improvements on things like importing/exporting MIDI and XML.

I dare say that the new licensing scheme will continue to be improved, but I don’t see this at all. I’d like to see it rolled out to all the Steinberg instruments, though.

You can’t blame Apple for Steinberg deprecating and then removing support for VST2.! and indeed, contrary to myth, Apple rarely ‘breaks things’ without giving developers years of notice.

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Not my experience. Lost tons of time and money on the PPC, then later QT technology. Maybe they won’t, but it’s also likely Rosetta gets yanked at some point.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I still forecast issues that lead to complaints and time spent sorting it out. I’m not saying it’ll be a huge deal to correct it…but people will face confusion and ‘complain’.

“People complaining” is certainly an accurate prediction!

Yes, Rosetta will be removed at some point; though developers should already be providing Apple Silicon versions, more than 2 years in. Luckily, most are doing well on that front: Dorico, Noteperformer, Kontakt , Opus, Sine Player – even ARIA Player! – are all ARM-native.

Apple learnt a lot from the PPC-Intel transition. Even after six years, some developers acted like it was a complete surprise when Apple pulled the plug. (QuickBooks, FontLab) Hence the warnings to users in Big Sur and Monterey that 32-bit software needed updating (refer to the developer!) – before they pulled the plug in Catalina. (I usually try to rid myself of the old architecture as soon as possible, to avoid being left without a chair when the music stops.)

Speaking of complaints, some people still lambast Dorico for not yet including “feature X” after all this time – I have no doubt that Dorico 5 will answer many of those gripes, and contain more features that we didn’t know we needed, like Condensing, Flow Headings, etc.


We could go a few rounds about what constitutes good legacy support. I don’t want to draw this thread too far off course though.

Maybe it won’t be so bad, and perhaps it’ll me more like 2024 or 2025 instead of 2023.

I just have ‘that feeling’ that some ‘noise’ is on the horizon. People will still be able to get their projects up and running…but not without some snags, frustrations, and complaining.

The basic idea is that one would play to indicate the pulse (it could be nothing more that taps on a keyboard) and the tempo would be extracted and mapped to the bars and beats. Taking it further, one could play a section of the score (perhaps a bar or two with a colla voce, or a rit. and an a tempo, maybe a guitar solo or anything else with rubato) and Dorico would map the played rhythm to the notation. One would be able to edit the mapping manually. The ‘conducting’ could conceivably be extracted from a recording but there’d essentially be no difference.

Have a look at these two threads:
Create a tempo track based on an existing recording - Dorico - Steinberg Forums
Tap tempo - Dorico - Steinberg Forums

Daniel said it was something they intended to work on in future.


Got it. There’s already a Tap Tempo button under the tempo side bar. Anyhow FWIW I find tempo indications and rubato fluctuations a small part of humanizing, and getting CC1/CC10 dynamics/intensity/quality correct the bigger job - balancing basically.

That’s a different thing: just a quick way of calculating a tempo (it doesn’t work well anyway).

I’m surprised but I suppose it depends on the kind of music one’s dealing with.

Choral condensing to be ironed out :crossed_fingers:t2:


I suspect that there still won’t be traditional beaming of lyrics.

Agreed, the ability to humanize tempo changes in real time would be absolutely massive. It makes it possible to create tempo changes based on listening and responding to the music in real time, as opposed to drawing a line on the screen and then listening back to see if you got it right.

I could also derail this thread by complaining about the robotic-ization of music through rhythmic quantization (drum pads, loops, metronomes), but I won’t!