
Friends, good afternoon, can someone help me in this regard? How do I remove these accident changes at the end of the system? I’m doing this system with several shades and I want to remove this indication at the end, is there a way?

At the moment, if these fragments are part of the same flow, there will always be a key change indication at the end of a system (unless you’re willing to do some awkward workarounds, like scaling it to 1% in Engrave mode). I think you need a setup with a separate flow for each example/exercise. You can choose a different barline type as final barline for a flow, or hide it altogether.
There has often been discussion on this forum about how to setup projects with lots of short exercises, and the pros and cons of using separate flows for that type of work. Maybe if you search for ‘exercise’ and ‘key signature’ you’ll find some of these threads, like here or here, but the issue has come up quite more often.

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I’ll see how I can do this here, it’s very complicated to do these things!

Use a coda. You can have as many codas as needed in one flow. It’s the usual workaround for this. And, of course, get rid of the coda markings!


What do you mean Coda bro? Is there a Way to demostrate it?

When you have finished your first exercise (one system, I suppose), select the barline, shift-r, coda, enter. Dorico won’t put the cautionary key signature at the start of the coda, so you can use it for your second exercise (second system?). Wait, it’s been explained many times… for instance, here.


The clef armor disappeared but the CODA appeared when deleting it comes back again!

Not sure what you mean here but make sure you simply hide the coda marking (from the lower properties panel) as opposed to deleting it.
I just realized you’re on an iPad. I’m not familiar with its features and don’t know it there’s a hide property.

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Yes, IPad!

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Yes, IPad!

Me too! welcome.

@Cristiano @lafin On iPad, tap on the eye on upper right, slide the switch to hide/show signposts. This hides /shows system breaks, and time signatures.


Or, put each each exercise into a separate flow (you can add flows in Setup mode).

On the iPad, you can’t customize flow headings, so hiding them and adding your text items manually at the start of each flow probably makes sense. (Dorico Pro users can use flow headings with left-aligned text etc as the names of each scale exercise.)

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Very good morning, I’m using this Way, I’m working here for me, enjoy and thank everyone who somehow tried to help me in this issue, stay with God and until the next doubt lol… @Lillie_Harris @PjotrB @lafin @Edna_French

Taking advantage, you can indicate me a good page configuration for printing here on the iPad