EUCON Update!

I know I am late to the party here, but I have a Raven MTi2 and have been using it for a year. I am going to sell it because I still miss the tactile faders, but mostly because the Raven is best with Protools or Logic. Those DAW’s have very nice faders that perfectly emulate their on screen counterparts. Not so much with Cubendo. It’s kind of a klugey mixer interface. For 7 years I had the Euphonix Artist MC control surface, and the fader hiding was not an issue because I was doing post on ProTools. But when I moved to Nuendo I realized that the track hiding was an issue. After seeing everything about it here, I did find a workaround that will mean I will get an Avid Dock and an S1. If you memorize configurations, not only does it remember track visibility but also the Zone you choose. So in a post situation, you may easily have 80 tracks for a mix. I like to address groups like dialogue, ambience, foley as individual groups for balance before I start down the rabbit hole. I assigned only my dialogue to a configuration with its group fader and VCA, and put it on the left zone. When I instantiate that config, the faders stack from the left in order. I don’t have to hunt them down. I know it’s probably something everyone knows but maybe its a workaround for the faders not hiding? Like everyone here I would love to see the proper implementation but I need to keep working and I need to find something reasonable. $25,000 for Nuage isn’t in my budget.

As far as i remember (many years have passed since I had a tango unit on loan) yes it is a limit of a system as such. I do not think it will show tracks above 260. Also note that tango is End of life and unsupported.

I am well aware of that. I kept waiting for the market to be flooded with Tango 2s at “Going Out Of Business Prices” and thought/hoped I could pick up a couple (Main + 2 Fader Packs) for relatively cheap. But that didn’t happen, which sort of confirmed that it was a really good product and people were finding ways to make them work with any of the DAW updates. Last time I saw one for sale, it was close to $7K for a Tango 1(!!), which as you pointed out is E.O.L WITH ZERO SUPPORT, as the company has gone out of business. :astonished: No way I was taking THAT gamble. :frowning:

ok… I’ll try Nuendo 10.3 the next days and have a look.
It is a real pitty that nothing changes here for years now…


yeah… as expected (sadly) nothing changed :frowning:

FYI - Here’s what Steinberg US Support told me back in early June 2020 when asked for clarification re: Eucon 3 updates in the future.

"Hi Jon,

I am not aware of this being updated at this time. I do apologize but there is not a way to edit the applet yourself.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Thank you,

Steinberg US Support"

To me this implies that they have abandoned refining/updating Eucon in Cubendo altogether. It would be really nice if someone from Steinberg would chime in here and clarify.

Cheers -

Well, all of us Eucon Users are clearly screwed now! :astonished: :angry: :triumph:

I’ve been enjoying my S3 with Nuendo, but yes some update to Eucon from Steinberg’s side would be great. Over on Avid’s forum, they seem to be quite responsive and genuinely seem to be interested in supporting Nuendo.

I wrote and called the support already a few times…
Maybe it helps when lots of us keep on writing them! They need to know that there is a (huge) need for improvements on the EUCON implementation.
It is so awkward that even for example my cheap Faderport generartion 1 can handle and communicate nudge and banking commands with Nuendo, but my 1.000€+ S1 Controller not :unamused:

This is a joke, isn’t it?

Steinberg really (officially) promotes AVID controllers as third party solutions?!?
In my opinion, all the customers are fooled, because if you are not doing any research in advance regarding the compatibility betwenn Steinberg software and AVID controllers, and you believe Steinberg and AVID what they are telling you (fully functional EUCON controllers bla bla bla…), then you fall into the trap as we all did.

This is sad…

While I absolutely agree with your viewpoint here, there MAY actually be some merritt here. The add ONLY SHOWS THE BIG CONSOLES ($100k). I can’t find anyone using Sys 5/MC, S4 or S6 who has any of the problems we’re (S3 and under) having. You wouldn’t expect them to have any of those problems at that price point. But for the rest of us… I’m convinced that all of this BS is designed to force us to switch to Pro Tools to get the full benefit of the lower priced hardware. :angry:

mhhh… I don’t know / think so.
All the controllers, whether S1 or S6 or in between, are based on EUCON.
So all the software interfaces (the core) between EUCON and Steinberg software should be the same, whether a S1 or S6 is communicating.
I also asked in the DUC forum and Eddie replied S6 and Nuendo 10 - Avid Pro Audio Community
I think the bugs exist with all of the AVID / EUCON controllers.


For example the bank / nudge bug…
Nuendo knows that a bank or nudge command is incoming, because you see it on the small highlighted grey lines on the tracks.
But it simply does not scroll / navigate, whether in the project window, nor in the mixer… So to me, this sounds more like a EUCON implementation bug in Nuendo…
@Keyplayer: so in your point of view, a S6 or S4 would have to send a different bank / nudge command via EUCON than a S1 or S3?!
I can’t imagine this is the case… because bank / nudge are such basic and fundamental commands. But yeah, maybe you are right, that would be a big hoax!

Here’s what I know. Avid has been saying relentlessly that Eucon for the “Big Desks” is NOT THE SAME as the Artist Series/S3!! They have made a federal case about this, using it as the reason that YOU CAN’T MIX AND MATCH THESE COMPONENTS. You can’t use Artist Mix faders with the S5 Control MC to save a couple of bucks. You can’t use S6 displays with an S3. Absolutely ANY workaround you could come up with by combining various levels of hardware has been TOTALLY BLOCKED (Who would buy an S6 if they could link 2 S3’s and a Dock? So, the S3 is the ONLY unit that cannot be linked). All of these issues have been explained away ad nausea, by saying there is a “PRO EUCON” and, for lack of a better term, a “CONSUMER EUCON.”

So the big question would be, if anybody with an S4 or higher can confirm all the mentioned bugs in this thread?! Already asked at the german distributor SMM, but no detailed answer so far…

Trying to get an answer to THAT question is like trying to gain access to the U.S. Mint!! I have been asking on the Avid site for more than a year! If I got a reply at all, it was a suggestion to come ask on the Steinberg Forum. I got a single reply from one owner and it was very vague, in that he implied that he didn’t need the functions in question. :astonished: I don’t know how that would be possible. Even if true, that would be like saying I purchased a Rolls-Royce that works like a Buick. But I don’t mind overpaying for it. That makes no sense.

I tried “Brand Neutral” Gearslutz, hoping for something. Again no replies at all. It’s like looking for a Leprechaun! Anyone willing to talk is using Pro Tools. Anyone using ANY other DAW isn’t talking. It’s bizarre! THERE’S NOT ONE SINGLE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE SHOWING THE S4/S6 working with any app except Pro Tools. That speaks volumes to me right there. Even IF mentioned, any other DAW is relegated to “Why would you want to use that” status.

Meanwhile, “down on the front line,” the powers at Avid continue to waffle between “We don’t know what you’re talking about (even going so far as to send me a video PROVING that Nuendo didn’t crash on their systems with PT Control/Now Avid Control using 100’s of tracks, but never once telling me HOW they got it to work! :angry: )” or “This is a Steinberg problem, leave us alone!” This conversation is obviously for the “Consumer Eucon” version. But, again, nobody on the “Pro Version” is talking. I don’t get it. WHY IS THIS SUCH A MYSTERY?

Ok, maybe I can get some more information about the “big” Avid controllers (S6) and Nuendo from some other studios here in Vienna. I’ll give it a try!

I don’t have any problems with the Avid control app and my S1 with Nuendo in terms of crashing. As I already posted in the Avid control app thread, I’m using it with an Samsung Android tablet and on Windows 10 Enterprise. In my case, the Avid control app works perfect (except the bugs with Nuendo we are discussing in this thread)


HOW are you getting it to work?!!? It will only work on my Galaxy S8+ phone. :cry: I can’t get it to work on my iPad or my brand new Samsung Android Tablet, picked directly from the Avid Approved list.

I don’t know how… it just works.
Installed all the latest EuControl software, Avid controll app version and S1 firmware.
My Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e is in the same LAN / WLAN as my computer is and I’m ready to go.

I’d like to see “Transparent Events” taken out of the Eucon implementation. It makes me sad when I push it and nothing happens. :smiley:
