So finally I had a chat with an audio engineer colleague, who is running a big post production studio, an has several S3 controllers in the smaller project studios and also a S6 at their cinematic mixing stage. They used to run Nuendo and ProTools parallel once, but due to lots of “post production” bugs in Nuendo itself (Nuendo 8) plus all the extra issues with the hardware controllers, they are now (after years of trying to get it working) completely returning to ProTools.
He also confirmed the “mixer mirroring” and the “Nuendo doesn’t follow nudging / banking” bugs on the S6 and some further mapping and controlling issues (EQ / insert mapping, flip mode, …) with Nuendo / Steinberg. He told me the same as I already knew, that the controllers are against any workflow in Nuendo and that it simply doesn’t make sence using them with Nuendo / Steinberg - especially when you know how fast and extremely good the integration in ProTools is (then it makes sence and the controller leads to a faster workflow and does not restrict you).
He also told me, that they were trying to get things running (together with Steinberg support) for years, but Steinberg was not able to fix several “big” issues, so finally they gave up.
What can we do now?
If we (everybody here who is struggling with all these Eucon bugs) really wants to change things, I think we need to constantly write the Steinberg and Avid support to get these things sorted out. They need to be constantly remembered, that there is a huge need to solve these issues! IMHO it is highly questionable that both companies sell their products by telling, that they are fully functional / compatible with the other product…
Antother thing is, that we are rating the products we buy! I alredy rated the S1 on the famous german online shop Thomann. People need to know, that Steinberg software and Avid controllers do not work properly together, before buying them! I think both sides will not like to see “bad” ratings of their products… so maybe this is another leverage.
I’ll keep on pushing, so hopefully one day things will change
still no new information from the Steinberg support…
I’m always get staved off that the topic is forwarded to the tech developers.
IMHO nobody cares, I bet they even do not forward it to the developers
Bottom line: Switch to Pro Tools if you stay on EUCON or Get Nuage hardware to work in Nuendo. The borders are clearly marked now! We can’t pretend otherwise!
Anybody have any experience with one of these? I didn’t see anything about working with surround and I saw a comment about it not supporting 96K. So, that alone would be a non starter for me. Also, I’m absolutely NO buying any more tablets for this purpose. But if you can get all of the visual feedback you need from the built in screens. It might be worth a discussion. You can’t really tell anything from these “SALES CLIPS.” Anyone here have or know anybody who had any REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE with one of these?
I don’t know if this has been mentioned on here but the number one massive issue with Cubase and Eucon for me is, it doesn’t work on Instrument Tracks. Every time you want to open the inserts or insert a plugin on instrument tracks, it open the midi inserts instead of the audio inserts. Literally making it impossible to use the control surface alone to mix any of my songs since they all contain instrument tracks. My old mackie controller was actually better, it didn’t have that issue.
I assume Steinberg never updated anything with Eucon when they invented Instrument tracks and Eucon thinks it’s a midi track. Hear me Steinberg. No one is using an control surface that is designed for mixing to insert a midi plugin! The whole point of the control surface is to mix. You literally can’t use it to mix. I’m still mixing with the mouse. The control surface just sits there looking pretty. It’s a shame. Pro Tools does not have this problem.
there are very good news!
Timo Wildenhain confirmed in this thread Steinberg Forums, that there will be a EuCon fix in early 2021 for Nuendo 11! Hopefully this dream comes true and it is no another empty promise!
from the New in 11 feature list (with cubase 11 it’s mentioned too which is out for a while):
“The newest AVID control surfaces and mixers, including the AVID S1, AVID Control and AVID Dock are now supported in Nuendo.”
Has anyone downloaded v11 already and can confirm that it’s up and running and fixed please?
Thank you a lot!
I didn’t download / installed it yet. But Timo Wildenhain confirmed that there will be a EuCon fix in a maintenance update in early 2021. But it would be an awesome christmas present if they already fixed the EuCon bugs / issues with the N11 release!!
@TimoWildenhain thank you for your reconfirmation!
Just to be sure, do you / Steinberg have a list, where all the EuCon issues / bugs are listed? Would be nice to get all, or nearly all of the bugs fixed with this one update!
Here is a list of the most important issues imho
EuCon / Avid Control App crashes Nuendo very often
Hidden tracks in the Nuendo mixer are still visible / available in the Avid control app / on the Avid controller
Nuendo doesn’t follow scrolling in the Avid control app / nudging or banking on the Avid controller
the track switch keys on the bottom of the S1 don’t work initially / have no function
if you open a plugin via the Avid controller, it opens in Nuendo, but when you close it on the Avid controller (e.g. using the “back” button on the S1) it is not closing in Nuendo and remains on the screen
sometimes, there is some confusing parameter mapping on the Avid controller when opening plugins. Often you have to browse lots “blank” pages to get to important / basic parameters! So mapping in general should be more straight forward imho
I think there are a lot more things to integrate better, so maybe more users want to share their information here?!
depends what you mean by fixed ? - it hasn’t changed since 10.3 - if you look a the eucon file information it’s a year old…all the old bugs and issues remain