Expression Map - Helpful Additions

Steinberg, please consider adding some basic useful features to setting up/maintaining Expression Maps that will go a long way to helping us save time and sanity.

In the Expression Map Setup window:

  • Please allow us to duplicate a map. A ‘Duplicate’ button would suffice.
  • Please let us reorder the maps in the list by drag & drop or at least sort alphabetically.
  • Please add some sort of indication whether a Map is in use in the project. This could be as simple as adding a little icon next to it, or making the name of the Map in the list bold. (Massive bonus points if you add a way to see which track(s) are using each Map in a single table.)
  • When deleting an Expression Map, PLEASE add code that checks if that Map is currently in use on a MIDI or Instrument track in the session, and ask for confirmation before deleting if that’s the case. It’s incredibly easy in large sessions to lose track of where Maps are being used (especially with different revisions of the same Map in use) and inadvertently delete one that is in use, and only discover the oopsie hours or days later.
  • Ability copy and paste slots in the Setup window

In the Key Editor:


  • Independent MIDI offset (like milliseconds offset on MIDI tracks, + or -) per articulation; many sample libraries have varying note attacks/pre-laps that vary by articulation.

Cheers :sunglasses:


+a gazillion

I’ll just add one teensy one,:

  1. ability copy and paste slots
  • TWO gazillion

Yeah, a comprehensive update to Expression Maps is overdue.


+1 Kabillion

I was getting ready to add a feature request but decided to first search and I found this one. Everything in this request much needed!

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I went sideways on my prior response … so
+1 to a complete overhaul of the editor with the suggested additional capabilities.


+1 on enhancing Expression Maps. For people using lots of patches like VSL, it would be great to allow easier ability to see articulations in the expression map lane of the key editor. Perhaps adding a tab for further pages of articulations or something.


I’m new to Cubase and maybe I’m missing something, but how about adding the ability to change a controller by a (±)% on a particular channel instead of having to pick a hard value. In other words, I may want to change the characteristics of a note slightly by adding the articulation instead of picking hard numbers for everything. I know it can be done manually in the controller lanes but so can all the rest of expression mapping.

+1 for these demands.

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I like the requests in this thread. I would add if there is a way to manage articulations when the viewing starts to get full in the controller lane.

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Yes, an update would be very welcome!

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+a gazillion squared. That one feature would speed up my template prep by a significant factor

Yes. Expression maps and midi editing tools are in desperate need of an overhaul.




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