… that sounds correct. Let’s start the Transport from Bar 1. Now :
Channel_1 (red) will receive a value of 255
The transport continues to Bar 2 and
Channel_2 (green) will receive a value of 255
I guess you have a LED-Light running with Channel 1 (red), Channel 2 (green) and Channel 3 (blue). In that case your LED-Lght turn into yellow (red=255, green=255 and blue=0). The transport continues to Bar 3 and
Channel_3 (blue) will receive a value of 255
Your light turns into white. (rgb=255|255|255). No?
… it does. If you jump from 1.2 to 3.1 it sends the values 255 for Channel 1, 2 and 3. And your Light turns to white.
What am I missing here?
All your other points? Yeah, those requests are all on our list. We try our best to get it done in time.
PS : Maybe you are creating a new entry in the forum about our conversation?Because this one here should only be for feature requests. Thank you.
I have a request regarding the display of the transpose input which unfortunately in live use is difficult for me to display as the character is too small. Could you always put it in the foreground and decide the zoom character?
Additionally, you could add the transpose and octave reset to 0 in the shortcuts actions
… a Focus Control should help here. It should be possible to show various Text-Objects as widgets. And there you could configure the Font-Size. Give us a bit.
Thanks… good to know that it can be done, but I don’t have the slightest idea how to do it, where can I find information on how to make various Text-Objects widgets in focus control? Is there a guide?
I don’t know if this has been requested before (I didn’t find any posts on this topic), but it would be a real game changer for me: VST Live should display latencies in the project!
Firstly, showing the full roundtrip latency of my audio/hardware setup next to the buffer size settings (like it is in Cubase) would help a lot
Secondly, in the stacks tab, a Plugin Latency Display would be very nice (analog to the Plugin Latency Display in the Cubase Mixing Console)
Any possibilty on this.
And having a way of chenging the clour of selected lines in the lyric window. This is in addition to the global active lyric colour. This way performers will have their own color coding.
FLEXLOOP-REPEAT “1” would be nice.
To let a song play its parts in a row and have the possibility to jump to the “Last Part” (e.g. as a final chord) with playing the part to their loop-endpoints, it would be nice to have the repeat-rate “1” .
Right now each part has to run at least 2 times (or I have to switch on “next part”…not useful while your e.g. making an announcement)
I just want to shorten a song spontaniously by midi-controller and switch to the last part.
(Thanx for fixing that bug in 2.0.24!)
I’m surprised that this hasn’t been suggested (?):
• MusicXML support!
• with each voice / instrument routable to various endpoints, where each individual can resize the staff as fits his needs;
• with notes Auto scroll or auto page turns;
• annotations directly in the notes;
Not sure if this has been suggested:
• Make song parts and structure dependent on bands, not on songs. Reason being, different formations/bands play the same songs differently, with varying changes in structure and order. It would be too cool if I could simply drag / clone a song from one project/band to another and alter its structure there without altering the original song in the first band/project. Time saver.
I do admit though that the first suggestion is inspired by Newzik, which lacks band oriented features. The latter suggestion is inspired by Bandhelper that can’t handle notes/ musicxml either, apart from displaying pdfs that contain notes, which might be too small for reading on stage due to the fixed layout.
Looking at your answer, I’m wondering if I’m doing it right
I haven’t read the manual and am trying to get started on my own, per widely feared “intuition”
I have started to fill a setlist with song titles that I wanted to fill by and by with their according structure (parts).
Now, having a look at the media bay, I wonder why my song titles didn’t get replicated there. In other words, the media bay is completely empty. But why?
Wouldn’t it in that case make sense for the app to copy the song titles to the media bay? Or at least to ask the user if he really wants to create a song title without there being an according song in the media bay? Or better, to suggest filling the media bay with songs first before creating a setlist.
Maybe I miss a point, please feel free to enlighten me.
Another suggestion: With a myriad of cover bands out there, I’d favor a database of the most common songs in order to save time.
I should add that I’m still on v.1 and don’t know inhowfar v.2 differs.
I’ll have a look if there is anything on YT.
Display of PDF:
If I’m not mistaken, I could create lead sheets in a DTP software with a given width (so as to correspond e.g. to the width of an iPad mini), but variable length, depending on the length of the song, and have the software scroll through it? Or does VL do scrolling across (vertically aligned) pages? Would there be an advantage of having several pages vs. one super long page?
No. The Media Bay is for you to drag/drop Songs, Parts, Layers, Stacks etc.
You will find all your Songs in the Setlist Editor (top left icon), where you can compose various setlists with various ways to do so.