Thanks for taking this on. As a graphic designer in a previous life, I have an affection for typefaces and layout.
This might not be the place for this, but I am curious what you are using to actually create/minipulate the fonts. Both Software wise and other. Maybe you could share a bit of your workflow for this? very curious how this all works.
This is really great, I love the font and have used it with Finale and LilyPond. However, I always found the kerning for certain character pairs off-putting, and although I see improvements in your version, some pairs are still not great: “Tp” and “Tb” for instance have some problems. “Tenor”, on the other hand, is looking great.
This will definitely not stop me from using your version, but it would be great if you could address these! In any case, thanks for your work.
To be honest, I feel these are too close together. I think the “Te” pair in @benwiggy’s version is nicer looking and “Tb” and “Tp” could be more like that.