I can’t see anything in Engraving Options for specifying the default distance for such things, nor for having different values for different chords. And there’s nothing in the Chord Symbols Editor, either.
In short, I can’t accommodate these issues in the font itself, and I think anyone wanting to use the font would have to configure the chords to suit – possibly manually.
So, barring the horizontal dispoisition of these symbols, I’m pretty happy with everything. There’s a new build on github, which I’ve bumped up to v0.99. Oooh!
Dorico has a special kerning table for chord symbol components, but at present there’s only a single one (well, technically, there are two, one for Roman chord symbols and another for italic ones, though the italic table actually somewhat uselessly currently has exactly the same values as the Roman one), so it’s not currently practical for you to create your own kerning table that is font-specific. Probably this is something we need at some point in the future.
That worked, thank you! @benwiggy, the only thing in my current score that the font doesn’t have is playing techniques; In this case it’s the “choke” marking.
If you’re on D3.5, then Dorico should show ‘gaps’ for any PTs not defined in the font. There may be quite a few missing.
I’m not sure why you’re getting Finale Jazz – possibly a Font Style?