H 5 is completely Awesome !!!!!

I understand on that text that I can upgrade with the regular, BUT, I was expecting someone from Steinberg to confirm it, I would hate to pay $99 just to find out that I needed another serial :unamused:

I’m pretty sure when I entered my upgrade activation code into eLicenser that is showed it being a valid upgrade for both the standard and EDU versions of HALion 4.

Cool! Thanks! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

correct, not to mention, my HALion 3 and Cubase 4, were both educational versions, that I upgraded to regular versions in the past without issue.

Awesome! Thanks! Now I’m confident to buy it without any worries! :mrgreen:

Not only is Halion 5 completely awesome (I absolutely agree here), but also the update process is.

H4 is fully replaced, projects can be opened without a problem, the update price is absolutely reasonable, H3 users are getting love as well…

This was really good work from product manangement, software development, deployment (if there is such a department @ SB) and customer support. :slight_smile:

It’s certainly giving the reaper busy bodies something to moan about lol .

I agree , customer support was brilliant , bought , made a mistake , refunded within the hour ( as I was entitled to the grace update ).
H5 just feels so solid with everything that you do with it ,not a single issue , so much so this is the first time ever that ive made a template just for halion 5 , my outboard gear will be collecting dust for the next month while I abuse H5 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

[\quote]Thanks for the fast reply cantankerous. :slight_smile:
I’ve pretty much made up my mind that I will upgrade soon anyway, the upgrade includes Halion Sonic 2 so I was thinking I could use that if Halion 5 needed some work. In any case I would be surprised if Steinberg had let the problem remain. But your comments are encouraging, if you haven’t noticed anything then it sounds like the problem has been fixed. It was mainly the Halion mixer page that was causing issues for me.
I’m looking forward to updating. I’m selling Komplete 8 to fund it. :smiley: (don’t use it much).[/quote]

Let us know when you have bought it and used it,to see the performance yourself. I am very curious to see if you are happy with it.

Do the “hammer-on” and “pull-off” articulations work on any of the basses in H5?
They didn’t work in HS or H4 and still don’t work in HS2.
For example, on the “Finger SVT Pro” program.

I will indeed! :slight_smile:

For what its worth,

I 've had the pleasure to play with H5 this weekend and can say its does what I want it to do with ease, I havent come accross a killer negative thing about this product and as I have just started using it -that says a lot. I must admit that I left H4 alone last year as it just seemed to lack the sample manipulation elements I needed. but with H5 it has led me to other places that I would not have ventured into.
performance is great n stable - cpu is at low levels - used 16 slots with numerous effects etc
interface - mainly self guiding! the interface is sluggish, but I have learnt that with H4.still usable.
Flexiphraser - spent hours tweaking and stuff and started to save my sound creations.
the only issue is the standalone feature - but I suspect that is down to my pc as no-one else has such issues- yet!

Yes - it’s a very good upgrade.

A very creative tool now that really makes much better use of the library.
Good midi tools too: Bbox and Step sequencer, easy import of Midi file phrases, Rex etc

And very easy to add my own sample data.

Just wish I could create / customize / import Macro Pages - hopefully in the next upgrade?

Sorry if I’m totally off here, but…

I noticed that in the Drum Player you can freely assign each note lane to trigger any of the layers you set up in the program tree (layer 1, layer 2, etc). If you put your samples in separate layers (layer 1 kicks, layer 2 snares, layer 3 hats, and so forth) and add a bus to each layer, then you can process each layer separately? If I’m right, there is no limit to how much processing you can do to each layer, but it requires some efforts. Correct me if I’m wrong and this is not possible cos this job is the next on my list.

That’s correct. And since you can have multiple buses in each layer, you can stack as many effects as you want for each sample. It’s insane.

Well what can I say , still buzzing about H5 , loving it , haven’t come across any glitches . revitalized some old drums that I never thought I would use again but now with the slice im in heaven :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

wow , , so much of praise , sure must b good… any comments on ethnic earthly sounds too ??? sm n does Does H4. X update to H5 give the grace free update to H5 ?? thanks sm

My friend and I were debating the H5 capabilities and Omnisphere (Spectrasonics), I feel H5 is very close, although a different beast, but the sound design capabilities are on par IMO, then you get the sample import/manipulation to boot!

is there a cross sample tech ? i don’t know the term of it, but basically if i want change sample layer… say strings change samples layer by continuous controller (as modwheel or expression pedal) ! instead of velocities the mod wheel changes the sample layers smoothly… like u play the violin and play it harder without stopping the note,(the volume gets higher and the timber changes naturally with no filters!)
kind of crossfade and morphing between the sample velocity layers
hope im understood here !

what about adding to halion yamaha’s unique synthesis “physical modeling” VL-1 !!
i have an expansion card in my motif es workstation, and i like it very much !! its great for wind/brass etc instrument emulation , but it has also interesting unique synth sounds… its very old concept but with some improvements,(larger polyphony better sound,more patches etc…) i thing it will add very interesting thing to Halion…

i don’t know how much people will buy this"VL-1" has a stand alone/vst product but combiend with halion i think its gonna attract users to buy halion even more.

I just received and installed Halion 5 last night. I am not new to Cubase, but I have never used the Halion products or the Halion Sonic products either. I have used Kontakt, Alchemy, and others (Reaktor, etc). I have also been using Padshop Pro quite a bit. I bough Halion primarily for doing layered granular synthesis using my own analog modular recordings as fodder, but read so many other good things about it that I decided to just get it for the library, too (I did the Absolute VSTI Collection → Halion 5 upgrade so also got a full Halion Sonic 2 and a bunch of extra material).

If there is one feature that I would add for a person like me it would be a whole bunch of tutorials that walk you through basic functions like creating a new sound, loading and mapping samples, using the VA synth and macros, adding layers and effects, buses, how phrases work, etc. I am just getting going by hunting and pecking. The tutorials do not have to be videos; I like written tutorials as well.