Should we narrow it down a bit after a year or so from the initial launch?
Currently, as of 12.0.60, I can use a motorized fader ok1., but there one or two details.
First of all, to be totally clear, I will describe how this motorized fader is created in the surface editor.
- Create a new fader. For the midi message, click learn, start moving the fader around and select THAT message. (Pitchbend, CC, whatever.) Assign Mixer Bank Channel 1 Volume to it.
- Create a button. For the midi message, click learn, and just touch the fader. Select THAT message for the button. Assign Mixer Bank Channel 1 Write Automation to it, momentary mode.
So, by touching the fader we engage write automation, which allows us to freely move the fader without fighting already written automation. Using different automation modes (To Start, To End etc) we can manipulate data as needed to fill gaps created by the lack of touch functionality.
The details:
1. No “Touch” as a concept. We don’t have a “Touch” command that we can assign, so that we throw a channel to Write, touch the fader and write a continuous value of the fader.
What happens instead is that we abuse the “temporary Write” button, so that we can stop fighting any written automation that is currently Read. As long as the fader moves, automation will be written (punch in). But, when we stop moving the fader, shortly after a Punch Out occurs, because the fader stops sending the current value.
So, we must either get a dedicated “Touch command”, so that automation modes and Punches work as advertised, or the faders should never stop sending the same value over and over, no matter the value. (which probably is an awful idea).
2. Jumpy motion of the faders when reading automation, but that could very well be my unit, so I don’t really know if something’s definitely wrong there. (Faders do receive pitchbend, but the actual movement is CC values (1, 127), so it’s probably expected to have jumpy motion for just 127 possible physical fader positions.
So, at this point in time, April 2023, do you have different problems than the above (mainly point 1.) with motorised faders when using the Surface Editor ? (no javascript)