Iro: Track Color Pack for Cubase

Hi everyone.

This is a neat little color pack I made for Cubase. For me, the default colors were not enough as I tend to have a lot of tracks, often with the same instruments, but with variations. It takes a considerable long time to make a set of new colors so I thought I would share it with you guys so you don’t need to do this yourself.

The pack consists of 19 different main colors with 9 additional shades of each color. Once you install the colors I suggest you do not tamper too much with the intensity/brightness as this can cause some of the colors to look alike. Yes, I did this myself and had to redo everything.

UPDATE: This update includes the old file with the old legacy colors in case you need it.

Please see the link to my blog for installation:

I do not have the privilege to test this on a mac or different versions of Cubase. If you are able to successfully apply these colors on another system please share how you did it.

As I have tested these colors down to Cubase SX2 to make sure they work n every version of Cubase up to Cubase Pro 9.
Hope you enjoy it!



Well done. Thank you.

Thank you. It works great and I can certainly use the additional colors. Great job!

Seyoum, you´re the best!

I never understood why the track color scheme in Cubase was so limited.

Best regards,


This is strange (or not, I´m not a programmer).

It works fine for new projects, but on existing projects: only the “old” colors show up.

Any ideas?

Kind regards,


Thanks Seyoum! Great work. But the colors are only available in new projects.

but on existing projects: only the “old” colors show up.

But the colors are only available in new projects.

At the bottom of your colour list is the Project Colours menu…open this and then from options select “Load program defaults to current set”.
Be aware that this will mess up any colour selecting you have already done…this is presumably why Cubase doesn’t do it by default.

Thanks Grim!

Does anybody has tried that on MAC?
That would be awesome!


nice one!

For Mac the file is in /Users//Library/Preferences/Cubase 7.5/

This is a bit tricky but it works on Mac as well. :mrgreen:

Option-drag the Defaults.xml file to your desktop to make a copy. Work on the copy!!!

Once the beginning of the code string is found, it will need to be selected to the end point, then replaced with the code provided by seyoum.

When ready to drag the modified copy back into your preferences, place the original defaults.xml file into another location or folder to protect it.

I’m gone and will not be able to respond for a few days.

Take your time, work off of copies!!!


New colors on the Mac :mrgreen:

This is very useful. Top marks Seyoum.

For the same reasons everything else is limited:

Because someone wants them to be limited.

Great job on the new color mod , definetly going to use it! Shame that the users them selves have to make the software better.

Don´t want to sound ungrateful, but (how) can you add more colors?

I would really like to have black/grey shades too (for drums) :smiley:

Don´t want to sound ungrateful, but (how) can you add more colors?

Why not take another look at the menu I just pointed you to? :wink:

Thanks for this…

@Grim: I know, I saw that after your advice.

But, since I changed to this new color scheme, I no longer have those options there, only the new colors are there and “default color”, which does nothing…

That´s why.

In the meantime I´ll refert back to the default Steinberg color scheme, unless you have another good tip for me (I´m serious here).

Kind regards,


Put the old file back again and now I can add/change colors the way you said.

BTW Black is not such a good idea if you actually want to see some waveforms. I am good, but not that good :laughing: