Yeah, I get your point, but even the best idea won’t help, as long as SB does not recognize it. We can do these polls, but if SB looks only at votes, this will not help either…
I don’t think they do that at all. The voting system on Discourse is clearly not designed to identify the relative popularity of a large number of different proposals. I can’t imagine the Steinberg folks are unaware of that.
Personally I think the only people who look at the votes are those under the illusion that the votes are used for anything.
One on the always growing list of Cubase features that Steinberg has abandoned over the years:
Well, according to Steinbergs official statement, they very well take them into consideration.
“Some of you may have noticed the “Vote” function in our new forum. I would like to encourage you to use your votes to let us know what your priorities are in the “Feature Request” category.”
Vote for your most important feature request topics! - Cubase - Steinberg Forums
And if you took a look at the feedback forms of the last couple of years, the most voted feature requests where included in the list, where you could sort upcoming features by priority.
Just out of curiosity:
How does this work here? Since this here most probably has nothing to do with the feature request procedure on the other side of the forum, has nothing to do with a specific Steinberg program and is a bit of a special request?
Will there be a statement somewhen by someone in charge for the forum?
Are there any news to this?
I mean, we as a community can discuss about this day and night, but as long as there is nothing coming from SB, this discussion somehow leads to nothing.
Steinberg should implement an IdeaScale, which is a specialized forum for feature requests.
Yamaha has one for their synthesizers, and so do Line6.
Very good and creates a dedicated place for suggestions, discussions and involvement of Steinberg people as well.