Hello! I Have multiple problems in My score, Been looking for anwsers…
After My second flow, I would want to continue my third flow with attaca, but I can’t tie My piano notes to The next flows first notes. I figured that I could just do it as a same flow and change The page template settings in The “third flow first page”, but I can’t change My page tamplate settings in My score. And after a certain page, My pedal lines doesn’t show at all. Any help?
If you search the forum you will find often the answers you are looking for.
For example: Tie between flows
To have a tied note between last note of a flow and the first note of next flow you can use laissez vibrer tie in the properties panel (apply it to both notes and adjust it’s position in engrave mode). This will not be an actual Tie, so you will hear the note repeating, but if you are looking for the representation of the tie this method works. You can then adjust the time gap between flows in Playback options/Timing
What do you mean by that? can you explain more?
Again can you explain more? The best is always to post the Dorico project, referencing the points where the problem arises, and giving the steps you made to reproduce it, so we can help quickly, as described here Four simple guidelines to help us help you
[Edit] @augustus1 I made (here below) an example to fake a new flow, as you described as second possibility (even if I would not reccomend this method just for a tie between the flows…!) . Look at it, also in engrave mode, page templates.
-create frame break on bar 38
-I created a “fake first” page template (but actually should be named fake flow heading ) It is based on “first”, but you have to remove all the text frames and recreate a text frame with a custom text where you write the nr. and name of the movement using Flow Heading paragraph Style , otherwise all what you input in it is linked to the original “first” page),
-indented the firs staff in engrave mode
-resetted the bar count and hide the first bar (in the original bar 38), right click on it and change to bar 1, then hide it in properties panel
Pedal disappearing - I’d wager it is because you have gone to three staves and back to two, but reverted to the wrong staves. I had this. Have a look here in this forum about that. It’s a complete and baffling mystery until you understand the principle.
Not a bug. Just means you have to be aware of what staff the pedal line is attached to.